입력 2021.12.06 (15:06) 수정 2021.12.06 (16:56)

읽어주기 기능은 크롬기반의
브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Binaeseom Island in the Namhangang River crossing Chungju City is known for its picturesque scenery and bio-diversity. The island has been recently designated a protected wetland to preserve its ecological value.


Binaeseom Island stretches along the Namhangang River. It's home to large colonies of reeds, silvergrass and willows. Formed on sand sediments from the river, the island is a habitat for diverse living organisms. More than 865 species including 15 wild endangered ones such as the scaly-sided merganser and the short-barbel gudgeon have been found to live in the island's wetland. The Ministry of Environment has designated the 920,000 sq.m. area around Binaeseom Island a protected wetland in recognition of its ecological value, the first such designation in Chungcheongbuk-do Province.

[Soundbite] Yoo Ho(Ministry of Environment) : "There is large gravel in the upstream and sand sediments in the downstream, which make this area an ideal habit at for many endangered species with a high preservation value."

The local government, which has struggled to protect the island from campers who flocked there after it was featured in TV shows, was relieved to hear the news. The designation paves the way for protecting the Bincaeseom wetland in a more systematic way. The government of Chungju City plans to devise a wetland restoration plan from next year to restore damaged areas first. It will also build a hiking trail and a birdwatching tower to promote eco-tourism on the island.

[Soundbite] Ahn Hong-ki(Chungju City Gov’t) : "The designation paves the way for protecting Binaeseom Island in a systematic way. We will promote it into an eco-tourism hub of the central part of the nation."

The Binaeseom wetland, a treasure trove of bio-diversity, is expected to become a priceless asset for generations to come.

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    • 입력 2021-12-06 15:06:27
    • 수정2021-12-06 16:56:44
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Binaeseom Island in the Namhangang River crossing Chungju City is known for its picturesque scenery and bio-diversity. The island has been recently designated a protected wetland to preserve its ecological value.


Binaeseom Island stretches along the Namhangang River. It's home to large colonies of reeds, silvergrass and willows. Formed on sand sediments from the river, the island is a habitat for diverse living organisms. More than 865 species including 15 wild endangered ones such as the scaly-sided merganser and the short-barbel gudgeon have been found to live in the island's wetland. The Ministry of Environment has designated the 920,000 sq.m. area around Binaeseom Island a protected wetland in recognition of its ecological value, the first such designation in Chungcheongbuk-do Province.

[Soundbite] Yoo Ho(Ministry of Environment) : "There is large gravel in the upstream and sand sediments in the downstream, which make this area an ideal habit at for many endangered species with a high preservation value."

The local government, which has struggled to protect the island from campers who flocked there after it was featured in TV shows, was relieved to hear the news. The designation paves the way for protecting the Bincaeseom wetland in a more systematic way. The government of Chungju City plans to devise a wetland restoration plan from next year to restore damaged areas first. It will also build a hiking trail and a birdwatching tower to promote eco-tourism on the island.

[Soundbite] Ahn Hong-ki(Chungju City Gov’t) : "The designation paves the way for protecting Binaeseom Island in a systematic way. We will promote it into an eco-tourism hub of the central part of the nation."

The Binaeseom wetland, a treasure trove of bio-diversity, is expected to become a priceless asset for generations to come.

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