입력 2021.12.31 (15:11) 수정 2021.12.31 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

PPP presidential nominee Yoon Suk-yeol has visited Daegu. He welcomed the release of former President Park Geun-hye and harshly criticized the current administration and his rival, Lee Jae-myung. Yoon is looking to unite his supporters by sending a clear message.


PPP presidential nominee Yoon Suk-yeol has visited Daegu, the political cradle of former President Park Geun-hye. He says he welcomes Park's release with open arms.

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(PPP Presidential Candidate) : "I think she should have been released earlier. I also want to pay her a visit when she recovers."

Yoon's remarks come in the wake of Park's supporters expressing their endorsement. They lauded Yoon for apologizing to Park. However, Yoon's message was nothing out of the ordinary, apparently because of the sensitivity of the impeachment issue. Instead, he unleashed harsh criticism of the Moon administration and his rival, Lee Jae-myung, citing the Daejang-dong scandal.

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(PPP Presidential Candidate) : "Why wouldn't he use the money he reaped by committing serious crimes to become President? Even kids would know that."

Yoon called Lee's campaign pledges "a dishonored bill."

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(PPP Presidential Candidate) : "He is tossing his pledges around to win votes, but have you seen those bills being paid by the current administration?"

Yoon says the current election campaign is a "struggle" and that his party might end up being uprooted if it fails to win the election. He apparently seeks to unite conservative voters by emphasizing the importance of replacing the ruling party. Yoon also visited the area where a fierce battle took place during the Korean War and compared himself to a young soldier fighting against communist forces. The PPP presidential nominee vowed to build a new airport in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province and an underground railroad for the Gyeongbu Line. On Friday, Yoon is set to wrap up his regional tour by visiting Guinsa Temple in Danyang, Chungcheungbuk-do Province, wrapping up his 3-day trip and returning to Seoul.

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    • 입력 2021-12-31 15:11:40
    • 수정2021-12-31 16:46:05
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

PPP presidential nominee Yoon Suk-yeol has visited Daegu. He welcomed the release of former President Park Geun-hye and harshly criticized the current administration and his rival, Lee Jae-myung. Yoon is looking to unite his supporters by sending a clear message.


PPP presidential nominee Yoon Suk-yeol has visited Daegu, the political cradle of former President Park Geun-hye. He says he welcomes Park's release with open arms.

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(PPP Presidential Candidate) : "I think she should have been released earlier. I also want to pay her a visit when she recovers."

Yoon's remarks come in the wake of Park's supporters expressing their endorsement. They lauded Yoon for apologizing to Park. However, Yoon's message was nothing out of the ordinary, apparently because of the sensitivity of the impeachment issue. Instead, he unleashed harsh criticism of the Moon administration and his rival, Lee Jae-myung, citing the Daejang-dong scandal.

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(PPP Presidential Candidate) : "Why wouldn't he use the money he reaped by committing serious crimes to become President? Even kids would know that."

Yoon called Lee's campaign pledges "a dishonored bill."

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(PPP Presidential Candidate) : "He is tossing his pledges around to win votes, but have you seen those bills being paid by the current administration?"

Yoon says the current election campaign is a "struggle" and that his party might end up being uprooted if it fails to win the election. He apparently seeks to unite conservative voters by emphasizing the importance of replacing the ruling party. Yoon also visited the area where a fierce battle took place during the Korean War and compared himself to a young soldier fighting against communist forces. The PPP presidential nominee vowed to build a new airport in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province and an underground railroad for the Gyeongbu Line. On Friday, Yoon is set to wrap up his regional tour by visiting Guinsa Temple in Danyang, Chungcheungbuk-do Province, wrapping up his 3-day trip and returning to Seoul.

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