입력 2022.01.07 (15:29) 수정 2022.01.07 (16:45)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Small business owners have launched a lights-on protest to oppose the government's virus prevention rules such as vaccine passes and business curfew.


It's already past 9 p.m. Under current restrictions, restaurants must be closed at this hour, but some have their lights on. The owners are protesting the government's virus prevention rules by keeping their signboards and lights on past 9 p.m.

[Soundbite] "No to vaccine passes that violate people's right to equality!"

The decision to make a gradual return to normalcy gave hope, but it didn't last long. With the daily virus tally spiking and Omicron cases reported, the government elevated restrictions. Small businesses once again struggle to make ends meet.

[Soundbite] Cho Ji-hyun(Emergency committee of small business owners) : "We'd rather work hard and stand by our rights than make sacrifices and let our children starve. It's been two years. We can't take it anymore."

The owners say the government is demanding their sacrifice by enforcing unfair restrictions.

[Soundbite] Kong Shin(Association of beer pubs) : "The business curfew is unfair. It discriminates against small businesses that operate in the evening. We're not department stores that are open during the day only. We want more reasonable measures. The vaccine pass requirement violates basic rights."

Compensation for business losses and loan benefits are of little use to these entrepreneurs.

[Soundbite] Kong Shin(Association of beer pubs) : "I don't think there are many people who are satisfied with this. I've received only KRW 6 mn in compensation. But my actual losses surpass KRW 30 mn."

Next week, small business owners plan to stage a rally in downtown Seoul to demand scrapping the curfew and full compensation for business losses. The lights-on protest will continue through Jan. 14.

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    • 입력 2022-01-07 15:29:12
    • 수정2022-01-07 16:45:24
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Small business owners have launched a lights-on protest to oppose the government's virus prevention rules such as vaccine passes and business curfew.


It's already past 9 p.m. Under current restrictions, restaurants must be closed at this hour, but some have their lights on. The owners are protesting the government's virus prevention rules by keeping their signboards and lights on past 9 p.m.

[Soundbite] "No to vaccine passes that violate people's right to equality!"

The decision to make a gradual return to normalcy gave hope, but it didn't last long. With the daily virus tally spiking and Omicron cases reported, the government elevated restrictions. Small businesses once again struggle to make ends meet.

[Soundbite] Cho Ji-hyun(Emergency committee of small business owners) : "We'd rather work hard and stand by our rights than make sacrifices and let our children starve. It's been two years. We can't take it anymore."

The owners say the government is demanding their sacrifice by enforcing unfair restrictions.

[Soundbite] Kong Shin(Association of beer pubs) : "The business curfew is unfair. It discriminates against small businesses that operate in the evening. We're not department stores that are open during the day only. We want more reasonable measures. The vaccine pass requirement violates basic rights."

Compensation for business losses and loan benefits are of little use to these entrepreneurs.

[Soundbite] Kong Shin(Association of beer pubs) : "I don't think there are many people who are satisfied with this. I've received only KRW 6 mn in compensation. But my actual losses surpass KRW 30 mn."

Next week, small business owners plan to stage a rally in downtown Seoul to demand scrapping the curfew and full compensation for business losses. The lights-on protest will continue through Jan. 14.

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