입력 2022.04.04 (15:18) 수정 2022.04.04 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol is stepping up his foreign policy coordination. His delegation, which has arrived in the U.S., says it will focus on strengthening the Seoul-Washington alliance as the national security situation on the Korean Peninsula remains grave.


A South Korea-U.S. policy delegation arrived in Washington, D.C. to outline and coordinate President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol's foreign policy. Headed by Rep. Park Jin, key agenda includes discussing ways to strengthen the alliance in line with the grave national security situation on the Peninsula caused by Pyongyang's ICBM launch.

[Soundbite] Park Jin(Chief of S. Korea-U.S. Policy Coordination Delegation) : "We will discuss in-depth the U.S. government's security pledges and ways to achieve a comprehensive strategic alliance."

Park says the president-elect wants substantial results in terms of a stronger comprehensive strategic alliance to achieve peace and stability on the peninsula as well as solve regional and global issues. Regarding the incoming administration's North Korea policy, Park said normalizing cross-border ties in line with common sense is important. He added support could be provided to the regime on the precondition of actual denuclearization. The delegation will deliver Yoon's letter to President Joe Biden and discuss arranging a summit.

[Soundbite] Park Jin(Chief of S. Korea-U.S. Policy Coordination Delegation) : "As far as I know, President Biden is planning to visit Asia. If he does, S. Korea-U.S. summit might take place."

The delegation's itinerary includes meeting Biden administration officials as well as Congress leaders and experts from U.S. think tanks.

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    • 입력 2022-04-04 15:18:12
    • 수정2022-04-04 16:45:00
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol is stepping up his foreign policy coordination. His delegation, which has arrived in the U.S., says it will focus on strengthening the Seoul-Washington alliance as the national security situation on the Korean Peninsula remains grave.


A South Korea-U.S. policy delegation arrived in Washington, D.C. to outline and coordinate President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol's foreign policy. Headed by Rep. Park Jin, key agenda includes discussing ways to strengthen the alliance in line with the grave national security situation on the Peninsula caused by Pyongyang's ICBM launch.

[Soundbite] Park Jin(Chief of S. Korea-U.S. Policy Coordination Delegation) : "We will discuss in-depth the U.S. government's security pledges and ways to achieve a comprehensive strategic alliance."

Park says the president-elect wants substantial results in terms of a stronger comprehensive strategic alliance to achieve peace and stability on the peninsula as well as solve regional and global issues. Regarding the incoming administration's North Korea policy, Park said normalizing cross-border ties in line with common sense is important. He added support could be provided to the regime on the precondition of actual denuclearization. The delegation will deliver Yoon's letter to President Joe Biden and discuss arranging a summit.

[Soundbite] Park Jin(Chief of S. Korea-U.S. Policy Coordination Delegation) : "As far as I know, President Biden is planning to visit Asia. If he does, S. Korea-U.S. summit might take place."

The delegation's itinerary includes meeting Biden administration officials as well as Congress leaders and experts from U.S. think tanks.

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