입력 2022.04.04 (15:18) 수정 2022.04.04 (16:45)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

The number of new COVID-19 cases has fallen below 120,000 today after three straight days of more than 200,000 cases, showing a slow decline. Although the surge appears to be dissipating, the numbers of critical cases and deaths still cause concern. In the wake of the recent spike in the number of deaths and subsequent funeral-related issues, SEOUL CITY started securing additional mortuaries and finding ways to increase cremation.


Cremation chambers are operated ceaselessly. In Seoul alone, 232 bodies are cremated every day, from 6:30 am until midnight. A spike in the number of COVID-19 related deaths compelled the Seoul city government to increase furnace operation by 1.7 times. Still, three out of four bereaved families are forced to hold wakes for longer than five days because they cannot find crematoriums.

[Soundbite] Gu Jong-won(Seoul Metropolitan Gov’t) : "We’re experiencing a shortage because the family of the deceased could not find a crematorium."

With crematoriums and funeral homes fully booked, the Seoul government set up a temporary mortuary at the Seoul Medical Center’s Gangnam branch slated for demolition next month. Thirty more bodies will be accommodated, starting Monday, with a plan to store fifty more later this month.

[Soundbite] Oh Se-hoon(Seoul Mayor) : "The city will do its best to increase the mortuaries so the bereaved family would be spared of painful experiences."

The daily virus tally fell below the 120,000 mark after three straight days of over 200,000 cases. The number is declining slowly, but one out of every five confirmed cases belongs to the high-risk 60 or older group. Meanwhile, the numbers of critical cases and deaths are decreasing at 1,108 and 218, respectively. Starting Monday, the new distancing guidelines allow up to ten people for private gatherings and restaurants and cafes to stay open until midnight. Meanwhile, a new XE variant was found in the UK and Taiwan. It is a combined form of the existing omicron variant and the stealth omicron. The latest variant transmits about 10% faster than the stealth omicron variant. However, according to South Korean health authorities, no cases have been reported in the nation yet and they are monitoring the situation.

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    • 입력 2022-04-04 15:18:12
    • 수정2022-04-04 16:45:01
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The number of new COVID-19 cases has fallen below 120,000 today after three straight days of more than 200,000 cases, showing a slow decline. Although the surge appears to be dissipating, the numbers of critical cases and deaths still cause concern. In the wake of the recent spike in the number of deaths and subsequent funeral-related issues, SEOUL CITY started securing additional mortuaries and finding ways to increase cremation.


Cremation chambers are operated ceaselessly. In Seoul alone, 232 bodies are cremated every day, from 6:30 am until midnight. A spike in the number of COVID-19 related deaths compelled the Seoul city government to increase furnace operation by 1.7 times. Still, three out of four bereaved families are forced to hold wakes for longer than five days because they cannot find crematoriums.

[Soundbite] Gu Jong-won(Seoul Metropolitan Gov’t) : "We’re experiencing a shortage because the family of the deceased could not find a crematorium."

With crematoriums and funeral homes fully booked, the Seoul government set up a temporary mortuary at the Seoul Medical Center’s Gangnam branch slated for demolition next month. Thirty more bodies will be accommodated, starting Monday, with a plan to store fifty more later this month.

[Soundbite] Oh Se-hoon(Seoul Mayor) : "The city will do its best to increase the mortuaries so the bereaved family would be spared of painful experiences."

The daily virus tally fell below the 120,000 mark after three straight days of over 200,000 cases. The number is declining slowly, but one out of every five confirmed cases belongs to the high-risk 60 or older group. Meanwhile, the numbers of critical cases and deaths are decreasing at 1,108 and 218, respectively. Starting Monday, the new distancing guidelines allow up to ten people for private gatherings and restaurants and cafes to stay open until midnight. Meanwhile, a new XE variant was found in the UK and Taiwan. It is a combined form of the existing omicron variant and the stealth omicron. The latest variant transmits about 10% faster than the stealth omicron variant. However, according to South Korean health authorities, no cases have been reported in the nation yet and they are monitoring the situation.

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