입력 2022.05.12 (15:08) 수정 2022.05.12 (16:52)

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[Anchor Lead]

President Yoon Suk-yeol today appointed his picks for foreign and interior ministers, park jin and lee sang min for who the National Assembly has not yet adopted confirmation hearing reports. In a brief meeting with reporters on his way to work this morning, Yoon indicated his determination to push ahead with the appointments of some minister nominees who have not been confirmed by parliament. With today’s appointments, nine out the 18 Cabinet posts have been filled for the Yoon Suk-yeol administration.
Kim Boo-kyum, the last prime minister of the Moon Jae-in administration, left office today. In a farewell message, Kim stressed national unity, saying that in a divided, confrontational society, there is no room for republicanism and coexistence to flourish. He also announced his decision to wrap up his 30-year political career while retiring from prime minister.
North Korea has reported its first case of COVID-19. Its Korean Central News Agency reported today that the Omicron variant was found in specimens collected from an organization in Pyongyang on last Sunday. While calling it a major state emergency, the KCNA said the infection posed a serious threat to the regime’s two-year watertight anti-virus defense. This is the first time Pyongyang has acknowledged the occurrence of a COVID-19 infection since the global pandemic began.

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    • 입력 2022-05-12 15:08:22
    • 수정2022-05-12 16:52:46
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

President Yoon Suk-yeol today appointed his picks for foreign and interior ministers, park jin and lee sang min for who the National Assembly has not yet adopted confirmation hearing reports. In a brief meeting with reporters on his way to work this morning, Yoon indicated his determination to push ahead with the appointments of some minister nominees who have not been confirmed by parliament. With today’s appointments, nine out the 18 Cabinet posts have been filled for the Yoon Suk-yeol administration.
Kim Boo-kyum, the last prime minister of the Moon Jae-in administration, left office today. In a farewell message, Kim stressed national unity, saying that in a divided, confrontational society, there is no room for republicanism and coexistence to flourish. He also announced his decision to wrap up his 30-year political career while retiring from prime minister.
North Korea has reported its first case of COVID-19. Its Korean Central News Agency reported today that the Omicron variant was found in specimens collected from an organization in Pyongyang on last Sunday. While calling it a major state emergency, the KCNA said the infection posed a serious threat to the regime’s two-year watertight anti-virus defense. This is the first time Pyongyang has acknowledged the occurrence of a COVID-19 infection since the global pandemic began.

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