입력 2022.06.10 (15:04) 수정 2022.06.10 (16:45)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Yongsan Park has been opened to the public on a pilot basis. The government first opened to the park to the media, saying contamination has been reduced. But a survey conducted by the Environment Ministry on polluting substances has revealed it's too early to say the facility is safe.


The first thing that welcomes visitors that enter the park are lodging quarters for U.S. officers. After a ten-minute walk an observatory overlooking the presidential office comes into view. The garden next to it is where visitors can make wishes. Special vehicles and helicopters are on display in front of the top office. A sports field further inside is where public access ends. The only convenience facility installed during the 20-day delay period are benches. Toilets and shades are to be installed as well before the park's full-fledged opening. Authorities say the contaminated soil has been covered with lawns to prevent direct contact with it.

[Soundbite] Kim Bok-hwan(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) : "We took into consideration congestion and various other concerns. The park does not pose any harm to people's health."

However, soil still remains exposed in multiple areas, and most of the pollutants found in it are volatile substances. Some experts say just blocking direct contact with them is not a solution.

[Soundbite] Hong Yun-chul(Inst. of Environmental medicine, Seoul Nat’l Univ.) : "People become exposed to pollutants through their respiratory organs. Therefore, the impact on respiratory health must be considered, not on skin or health issues caused by dust."

[Soundbite] Kim Hui-jung(Soil and Sediment Environmental Restoration Center) : "It looks okay on the surface, but as temperatures rise in summer, the pollutants volatilize and spread around. Their impact must not be overlooked."

The controversy over environmental issues is expected to escalate further when the government opens the park temporarily again in September without imposing restrictions on visitors.

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    • 입력 2022-06-10 15:04:01
    • 수정2022-06-10 16:45:24
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Yongsan Park has been opened to the public on a pilot basis. The government first opened to the park to the media, saying contamination has been reduced. But a survey conducted by the Environment Ministry on polluting substances has revealed it's too early to say the facility is safe.


The first thing that welcomes visitors that enter the park are lodging quarters for U.S. officers. After a ten-minute walk an observatory overlooking the presidential office comes into view. The garden next to it is where visitors can make wishes. Special vehicles and helicopters are on display in front of the top office. A sports field further inside is where public access ends. The only convenience facility installed during the 20-day delay period are benches. Toilets and shades are to be installed as well before the park's full-fledged opening. Authorities say the contaminated soil has been covered with lawns to prevent direct contact with it.

[Soundbite] Kim Bok-hwan(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) : "We took into consideration congestion and various other concerns. The park does not pose any harm to people's health."

However, soil still remains exposed in multiple areas, and most of the pollutants found in it are volatile substances. Some experts say just blocking direct contact with them is not a solution.

[Soundbite] Hong Yun-chul(Inst. of Environmental medicine, Seoul Nat’l Univ.) : "People become exposed to pollutants through their respiratory organs. Therefore, the impact on respiratory health must be considered, not on skin or health issues caused by dust."

[Soundbite] Kim Hui-jung(Soil and Sediment Environmental Restoration Center) : "It looks okay on the surface, but as temperatures rise in summer, the pollutants volatilize and spread around. Their impact must not be overlooked."

The controversy over environmental issues is expected to escalate further when the government opens the park temporarily again in September without imposing restrictions on visitors.

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