입력 2022.07.27 (15:20) 수정 2022.07.27 (16:45)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

With the monsoon season over, a scorching heat wave is gripping the Korean Peninsula. Just like people, animals are also affected by the hot weather. They also feel fatigued, move slower and lose appetite. To combat the situation, zookeepers are preparing various events to keep animals's spirits up, such as various games in the water.


An Asiatic Black Bear dips his paws in the water. Taking shelter in the shade was apparently not enough to beat the heat. The bear munches on watermelon slices floating on water and tries to catch an elusive carp. Temperatures hover over 30 degrees Celsius at this zoo where a special meal is delivered over ice. The cold treat is to pump up immunity and activity levels, that have fallen due to the heat. 7-year-old Siberian tiger named "Baekdu". At the sight of frozen chicken and kangaroo meat he instantly regains his appetite.

[Soundbite] Park Sang-hyeon(Seoul Resident) : "The tigers seem to love frozen food. Just watching it made us feel cool as well."

A family of Asian elephants, with their slow steps, are off to the woods for vacation. Their long trunks are perfect for discovering hidden food, such as figs and apples. It is essentially a treasure hunt. The elephants crack open frozen snacks using their feet. A cool water shower is the best pastime.

[Soundbite] Lee Dong-min(Seoul Resident) : "We were envious. We wanted to take a splash and play with them in the water."

For seals and sea lions the best environment is under water. They are elated to have food thrown at them. But it's not enough. They want more.

[Soundbite] Park Beom-jun(Zookeeper, Seoul Grand Park) : "The special treat was prepared cold and fresh to help the animals endure a healthy summer."

Zoo animals are spending the muggy summer in creative and healthy ways.

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    • 입력 2022-07-27 15:20:26
    • 수정2022-07-27 16:45:15
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

With the monsoon season over, a scorching heat wave is gripping the Korean Peninsula. Just like people, animals are also affected by the hot weather. They also feel fatigued, move slower and lose appetite. To combat the situation, zookeepers are preparing various events to keep animals's spirits up, such as various games in the water.


An Asiatic Black Bear dips his paws in the water. Taking shelter in the shade was apparently not enough to beat the heat. The bear munches on watermelon slices floating on water and tries to catch an elusive carp. Temperatures hover over 30 degrees Celsius at this zoo where a special meal is delivered over ice. The cold treat is to pump up immunity and activity levels, that have fallen due to the heat. 7-year-old Siberian tiger named "Baekdu". At the sight of frozen chicken and kangaroo meat he instantly regains his appetite.

[Soundbite] Park Sang-hyeon(Seoul Resident) : "The tigers seem to love frozen food. Just watching it made us feel cool as well."

A family of Asian elephants, with their slow steps, are off to the woods for vacation. Their long trunks are perfect for discovering hidden food, such as figs and apples. It is essentially a treasure hunt. The elephants crack open frozen snacks using their feet. A cool water shower is the best pastime.

[Soundbite] Lee Dong-min(Seoul Resident) : "We were envious. We wanted to take a splash and play with them in the water."

For seals and sea lions the best environment is under water. They are elated to have food thrown at them. But it's not enough. They want more.

[Soundbite] Park Beom-jun(Zookeeper, Seoul Grand Park) : "The special treat was prepared cold and fresh to help the animals endure a healthy summer."

Zoo animals are spending the muggy summer in creative and healthy ways.

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