입력 2022.08.08 (15:10) 수정 2022.08.08 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

President Yoon Suk-yeol is back from a week-long vacation. Upon returning to work, he pledged to adhere to his original intentions and uphold the people's will. In regards to a possible personnel reshuffle, including the possible replacement of Education Minister Park Soon-ae, he promised to review such calls and take necessary measures.


Returning from his holiday, President Yoon placed emphasis on the people and his original intentions in a regular press conference, which was resumed after a 13-day hiatus. Yoon said he had looked back on the election process, the transition committee and the days following his inauguration. He then pledged to uphold the will of the people.

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(President) : "My duty to the people is to carefully examine the people’s will and to uphold their will while sticking to my original intentions."

The shift is apparently due to his falling approval ratings, which recently fell to the 20 percent level. But the mentioning of original intentions indicates the president seems to place weight on making a fresh start, rather than changing his policy direction. Regarding the ruling party's call for the resignation of Education Minister Park Soon-ae, Yoon said he will review the issue from the viewpoint of the people. This suggests the president is open to replacing the education minister who recently stirred controversy with policies to lower the school starting age and abolishing foreign language high schools.

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(President) : "As soon as I begin work, I will take a look at those issues and take measures if necessary."

While presenting a certificate of appointment to Park last month, the president consoled her for enduring what he called attacks from the opposition bloc and media. But on Monday, he said achieving democratic politics and managing state affairs successfully would be impossible without the cooperation of the media. He headed to his office without responding to questions about the messages he had exchanged with PPP Floor Leader Kweon Seong-dong, which denounced party Chairman Lee Jun-seok for criticizing the party.

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    • 입력 2022-08-08 15:10:40
    • 수정2022-08-08 16:45:26
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

President Yoon Suk-yeol is back from a week-long vacation. Upon returning to work, he pledged to adhere to his original intentions and uphold the people's will. In regards to a possible personnel reshuffle, including the possible replacement of Education Minister Park Soon-ae, he promised to review such calls and take necessary measures.


Returning from his holiday, President Yoon placed emphasis on the people and his original intentions in a regular press conference, which was resumed after a 13-day hiatus. Yoon said he had looked back on the election process, the transition committee and the days following his inauguration. He then pledged to uphold the will of the people.

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(President) : "My duty to the people is to carefully examine the people’s will and to uphold their will while sticking to my original intentions."

The shift is apparently due to his falling approval ratings, which recently fell to the 20 percent level. But the mentioning of original intentions indicates the president seems to place weight on making a fresh start, rather than changing his policy direction. Regarding the ruling party's call for the resignation of Education Minister Park Soon-ae, Yoon said he will review the issue from the viewpoint of the people. This suggests the president is open to replacing the education minister who recently stirred controversy with policies to lower the school starting age and abolishing foreign language high schools.

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(President) : "As soon as I begin work, I will take a look at those issues and take measures if necessary."

While presenting a certificate of appointment to Park last month, the president consoled her for enduring what he called attacks from the opposition bloc and media. But on Monday, he said achieving democratic politics and managing state affairs successfully would be impossible without the cooperation of the media. He headed to his office without responding to questions about the messages he had exchanged with PPP Floor Leader Kweon Seong-dong, which denounced party Chairman Lee Jun-seok for criticizing the party.

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