입력 2022.11.23 (15:02) 수정 2022.11.23 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

The unionized truckers say they will stage a strike on Thursday. The government says they will continue to hold conversations with the union, but their stance clear that the matter requires sufficient negotiations and refuses to accept all of the truckers' demands.


The government has agreed to extend the safe trucking freight rates system by three years in line with the unionized truckers' demand. This means their minimum freight rates will be guaranteed for the time being. The government added it needs to check if the initial goals on minimizing dangerous driving conditions, such as overloading and speeding, have been met. The government cited an increase in the number of traffic accidents and deaths even after the system's implementation.

[Soundbite] Won Hee-ryong(Transport minister) : "Studies show the effect on traffic safety is unclear. We need to see if the system's extension will help enhance safety."

This means scrapping the system after its scheduled expiration would be difficult. The truckers' demand for the system to be expanded beyond the drivers delivering containers and cement has been rejected. The government says if the system is expanded to truckers delivering steel and dangerous objects, who already receive over 5-6 million won a month, logistics costs will spike, resulting in a heavier financial burden for consumers. However, the government added that the door for talks is still open and demanded that the unionized truckers withdraw their strike plans.

[Soundbite] Han Duck-soo(Prime minister) : "The truckers' refusal to transport freight will not only paralyze logistics, but also cause irreversible damage to the national economy."

If things get out of control, the government will issue an order to resume transportation. The government has warned of punitive measures and license cancellations if the order is violated. The government plans to set up an emergency transportation task force and deploy vehicles for official and military use. Privately owned vehicles with trucking permits will be exempt from highway tolls during the strike.

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    • 입력 2022-11-23 15:02:19
    • 수정2022-11-23 16:45:07
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The unionized truckers say they will stage a strike on Thursday. The government says they will continue to hold conversations with the union, but their stance clear that the matter requires sufficient negotiations and refuses to accept all of the truckers' demands.


The government has agreed to extend the safe trucking freight rates system by three years in line with the unionized truckers' demand. This means their minimum freight rates will be guaranteed for the time being. The government added it needs to check if the initial goals on minimizing dangerous driving conditions, such as overloading and speeding, have been met. The government cited an increase in the number of traffic accidents and deaths even after the system's implementation.

[Soundbite] Won Hee-ryong(Transport minister) : "Studies show the effect on traffic safety is unclear. We need to see if the system's extension will help enhance safety."

This means scrapping the system after its scheduled expiration would be difficult. The truckers' demand for the system to be expanded beyond the drivers delivering containers and cement has been rejected. The government says if the system is expanded to truckers delivering steel and dangerous objects, who already receive over 5-6 million won a month, logistics costs will spike, resulting in a heavier financial burden for consumers. However, the government added that the door for talks is still open and demanded that the unionized truckers withdraw their strike plans.

[Soundbite] Han Duck-soo(Prime minister) : "The truckers' refusal to transport freight will not only paralyze logistics, but also cause irreversible damage to the national economy."

If things get out of control, the government will issue an order to resume transportation. The government has warned of punitive measures and license cancellations if the order is violated. The government plans to set up an emergency transportation task force and deploy vehicles for official and military use. Privately owned vehicles with trucking permits will be exempt from highway tolls during the strike.

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