입력 2023.01.26 (15:02) 수정 2023.01.26 (16:45)

읽어주기 기능은 크롬기반의
브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

A group of hackers suspected to be in China hacked 12 websites of Korean academic organizations. They also announced their plan to hack more than 2,000 Korean government, public and media organizations, putting authorities on high alert.


A website of a Korean private academic organization. Instead of its original pages, the phrase "We declare an invasion into Korea's Internet" appears. Following a notice of a planned attack against Korea early this month, Xiaoqing, an alleged Chinese hackers' group, hacked and altered the website during the Lunar New Year's holiday. Authorities believe a total of 12 Korean academic organizations, including the Korea Research Institute for Construction Policy and the Korean Language Society, were hacked this way by the Chinese group. The names, workplaces and email addresses of some of the people using the website were exposed. Experts assess it is a method a hackers' group typically uses to show off their techniques and influence.

[Soundbite] Moon Jong-hyun(EST Security) : "It seems the hacking skills are not quite advanced. Apparently, they aimed to boast their skills and cause some confusion during the holiday."

The hackers' group claims they deleted more databases and websites than identified by the Korean government. The hackers announced their plan to launch more attacks, sharing website addresses of more than 2,000 Korean government, public and media organizations. They also threatened to reveal materials they stole from Korean public agencies. With the Korea Internet and Security Agency at the center, the government is stepping up vigilance against cyber attacks. It is calling on security officials at government agencies and private corporations to take anti-hacking steps to protect themselves. They have also been asked to share information with the Korea Internet and Security Agency if they are hacked.

■ 제보하기
▷ 카카오톡 : 'KBS제보' 검색, 채널 추가
▷ 전화 : 02-781-1234, 4444
▷ 이메일 :
▷ 유튜브, 네이버, 카카오에서도 KBS뉴스를 구독해주세요!

    • 입력 2023-01-26 15:02:05
    • 수정2023-01-26 16:45:04
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A group of hackers suspected to be in China hacked 12 websites of Korean academic organizations. They also announced their plan to hack more than 2,000 Korean government, public and media organizations, putting authorities on high alert.


A website of a Korean private academic organization. Instead of its original pages, the phrase "We declare an invasion into Korea's Internet" appears. Following a notice of a planned attack against Korea early this month, Xiaoqing, an alleged Chinese hackers' group, hacked and altered the website during the Lunar New Year's holiday. Authorities believe a total of 12 Korean academic organizations, including the Korea Research Institute for Construction Policy and the Korean Language Society, were hacked this way by the Chinese group. The names, workplaces and email addresses of some of the people using the website were exposed. Experts assess it is a method a hackers' group typically uses to show off their techniques and influence.

[Soundbite] Moon Jong-hyun(EST Security) : "It seems the hacking skills are not quite advanced. Apparently, they aimed to boast their skills and cause some confusion during the holiday."

The hackers' group claims they deleted more databases and websites than identified by the Korean government. The hackers announced their plan to launch more attacks, sharing website addresses of more than 2,000 Korean government, public and media organizations. They also threatened to reveal materials they stole from Korean public agencies. With the Korea Internet and Security Agency at the center, the government is stepping up vigilance against cyber attacks. It is calling on security officials at government agencies and private corporations to take anti-hacking steps to protect themselves. They have also been asked to share information with the Korea Internet and Security Agency if they are hacked.

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