입력 2023.01.30 (15:03) 수정 2023.01.30 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

The presidential office said they're thinking about suing Main Opposition Democratic Party representative Kim Eui-kyeom for raising allegations that first lady Kim Kun-hee manipulated stock prices of another company. In response, Kim said he welcomes the move, as the allegations surrounding the first lady must be investigated first in order to sue him.


The Office of the President is thinking about suing Democratic Party representative Kim Eui-kyeom because he accused First Lady Kim Kun-hee of manipulating the stock prices of Woori Technology. According to the prosecution, the defendants in the Deutsch Motors stock price manipulation case intervened in the stock prices of Woori Technology since August 2010, and the accounts belonging to the First Lady and her mother were found among the transaction accounts. The Woori Technology case took place after the January-May period in 2010 when, according to the First Lady's attorneys, she had already entrusted the account linked to Deutsch Motors to someone else. The President's Office argued that the accusation of stock price manipulation based solely on these circumstances is false. The Office said it is thinking about suing Representative Kim early this week. The President's Office has not clarified why the accusation is false, saying that the one lying about the matter should be the one to prove his claim, not the victim. The ruling People Power Party said the accusation is the Democratic Party's political attack to evade their judicial risk. In response, Representative Kim said that he welcomes being sued since it is a chance to properly investigate the First Lady.

[Soundbite] Kim Eui-kyeom(Democratic Party) : "If they look to report and punish me, they will first have to explain the First lady’s role in relation to Deutsch Motors and Woori Technology."

Representative Kim also said that he cannot trust the police and the prosecution to be fair and asked the First Lady to be investigated by a special prosecutor. He added that he would take any punishment willingly if his claim is found to be wrong.

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    • 입력 2023-01-30 15:03:45
    • 수정2023-01-30 16:45:01
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The presidential office said they're thinking about suing Main Opposition Democratic Party representative Kim Eui-kyeom for raising allegations that first lady Kim Kun-hee manipulated stock prices of another company. In response, Kim said he welcomes the move, as the allegations surrounding the first lady must be investigated first in order to sue him.


The Office of the President is thinking about suing Democratic Party representative Kim Eui-kyeom because he accused First Lady Kim Kun-hee of manipulating the stock prices of Woori Technology. According to the prosecution, the defendants in the Deutsch Motors stock price manipulation case intervened in the stock prices of Woori Technology since August 2010, and the accounts belonging to the First Lady and her mother were found among the transaction accounts. The Woori Technology case took place after the January-May period in 2010 when, according to the First Lady's attorneys, she had already entrusted the account linked to Deutsch Motors to someone else. The President's Office argued that the accusation of stock price manipulation based solely on these circumstances is false. The Office said it is thinking about suing Representative Kim early this week. The President's Office has not clarified why the accusation is false, saying that the one lying about the matter should be the one to prove his claim, not the victim. The ruling People Power Party said the accusation is the Democratic Party's political attack to evade their judicial risk. In response, Representative Kim said that he welcomes being sued since it is a chance to properly investigate the First Lady.

[Soundbite] Kim Eui-kyeom(Democratic Party) : "If they look to report and punish me, they will first have to explain the First lady’s role in relation to Deutsch Motors and Woori Technology."

Representative Kim also said that he cannot trust the police and the prosecution to be fair and asked the First Lady to be investigated by a special prosecutor. He added that he would take any punishment willingly if his claim is found to be wrong.

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