입력 2023.05.03 (15:06) 수정 2023.05.03 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

Celltrion, a conglomerate with a market capitalization of 23 trillion won, has recently added two affiliates to its group. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the representatives of the companies are women who gave birth to hidden children of Seo Jung-jin, the largest shareholder of the holding company and the third richest person in South Korea, who returned to management two months ago.


The Fair Trade Commission released a list of changes in business group affiliates. Two Celltrion affiliates were added to the list. Celltrion Group explained that the companies are owned by a relative of Chairman Seo Jung-jin. A certified copy of the register shows that the company's CEO is listed as a woman known only as A. It turns out that A wasn't just Chairman Seo's relative, but the mother of two sisters who were recognized by the court as his biological children last June. A KBS reporter met with A to find out what really took place. In July 2001 A first met Chairman Seo. Although he was already married, he had two daughters with A and acted like a son-in-law to A's family.

[Soundbite] (A (VOICE MODIFIED)) : "Seo said he would make everything right so I wouldn't be inconvenienced four years later. We talked about holding a wedding not in Korea but abroad."

Their relationship that lasted nearly ten years ended in 2012. A claims the chairman, who was experiencing difficulties with his company management, urged her to leave the country.

[Soundbite] (A (VOICE MODIFIED)) : "He told me to stay quiet because if the existence of the girls became known, it could destroy the company."

A maintained that the chairman didn't see his daughters or served as a father to them. She also claimed that he demanded a paternity test.

[Soundbite] (A (VOICE MODIFIED)) : "When she was in Canada, my older daughter said that her dad took hair samples. I thought he was there to see her."

The youngest daughter now in her teens hasn't met her father for eleven years. She even requested the court to grant visitation rights.

[Soundbite] Jo Seong-wu(A's attorney) : "She filed for visitation rights that mandates him to see her at least 4 times a month and call her twice. He hasn't even given his cell phone number."

A explained why she filed a suit and is making all this public.

[Soundbite] (A (VOICE MODIFIED)) : "The pain I experienced for those ten years is making my life hard. I can't even breathe thinking about my children's pain and suffering."

Chairman Seo claims that he tried to look after the girls, but the relationship failed because A wasn't faithful. He also said that he already paid 28.8 billion won in child support, but A continues to ask for a huge sum of money. He added that he feels morally responsible for the illegitimate relationship, yet he reported A to the police for extortion and defamation.

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    • 입력 2023-05-03 15:06:07
    • 수정2023-05-03 16:45:04
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Celltrion, a conglomerate with a market capitalization of 23 trillion won, has recently added two affiliates to its group. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the representatives of the companies are women who gave birth to hidden children of Seo Jung-jin, the largest shareholder of the holding company and the third richest person in South Korea, who returned to management two months ago.


The Fair Trade Commission released a list of changes in business group affiliates. Two Celltrion affiliates were added to the list. Celltrion Group explained that the companies are owned by a relative of Chairman Seo Jung-jin. A certified copy of the register shows that the company's CEO is listed as a woman known only as A. It turns out that A wasn't just Chairman Seo's relative, but the mother of two sisters who were recognized by the court as his biological children last June. A KBS reporter met with A to find out what really took place. In July 2001 A first met Chairman Seo. Although he was already married, he had two daughters with A and acted like a son-in-law to A's family.

[Soundbite] (A (VOICE MODIFIED)) : "Seo said he would make everything right so I wouldn't be inconvenienced four years later. We talked about holding a wedding not in Korea but abroad."

Their relationship that lasted nearly ten years ended in 2012. A claims the chairman, who was experiencing difficulties with his company management, urged her to leave the country.

[Soundbite] (A (VOICE MODIFIED)) : "He told me to stay quiet because if the existence of the girls became known, it could destroy the company."

A maintained that the chairman didn't see his daughters or served as a father to them. She also claimed that he demanded a paternity test.

[Soundbite] (A (VOICE MODIFIED)) : "When she was in Canada, my older daughter said that her dad took hair samples. I thought he was there to see her."

The youngest daughter now in her teens hasn't met her father for eleven years. She even requested the court to grant visitation rights.

[Soundbite] Jo Seong-wu(A's attorney) : "She filed for visitation rights that mandates him to see her at least 4 times a month and call her twice. He hasn't even given his cell phone number."

A explained why she filed a suit and is making all this public.

[Soundbite] (A (VOICE MODIFIED)) : "The pain I experienced for those ten years is making my life hard. I can't even breathe thinking about my children's pain and suffering."

Chairman Seo claims that he tried to look after the girls, but the relationship failed because A wasn't faithful. He also said that he already paid 28.8 billion won in child support, but A continues to ask for a huge sum of money. He added that he feels morally responsible for the illegitimate relationship, yet he reported A to the police for extortion and defamation.

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