입력 2024.04.16 (15:18) 수정 2024.04.16 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]
President Yoon Suk Yeol has humbly acknowledged the results of the recent general election. He emphasized his commitment to adopting a more humble posture to attentively listen to the public sentiment and expressed his intention to enhance communication with the National Assembly.

President Yoon Suk Yeol has directly conveyed his position for the first time since last week’s general election.

Yoon Suk Yeol (President): I will listen and communicate more humbly and flexibly to public sentiment.

He noted that policy measures were insufficient to produce tangible changes in people’s lives. He said the government should have looked after the lives of the struggling public more carefully. He vowed to swiftly implement tailored policies.

Yoon Suk Yeol (President): I will move deeper into people’s lives to listen to grievances and more actively look after concerns.

Yoon also reaffirmed his commitment to structural reform saying reform drives cannot stop. He vowed to continue reforms in labor, education, pension and the medical sector...while strengthening communication in the process.

Yoon Suk Yeol (President): I will be more attentive to reasonable views, fulfill the government's responsibility and closely work with the National Assembly.

Regarding heightened tensions in the Middle East, especially between Iran and Israel, Yoon ordered ministries to make every effort to manage supply chains and energy supply. Also marking the 10th anniversary of the 2014 Sewol ferry sinking, Yoon expressed condolences and deep sympathy to the victims and bereaved families.


[Anchor Lead]
Following its electoral defeat, the ruling People Power Party is planning to form an emergency leadership committee and subsequently hold a party convention for restructuring. Meanwhile, capitalizing on its electoral success, the Democratic Party aims to pass the 'Corporal Chae Su-geun Special Counsel Probe' and a revote on the 'Itaewon Disaster Special Act' within the 21st National Assembly's term.

The ruling People Power Party has decided create an emergency leadership committee before holding a party convention to elect a new leader.

Yun Jae-ok (PPP floor leader and acting chair): Holding a party convention requires working-level procedures and an emergency committee is necessary for this under party regulations.

During a meeting of lawmakers elected in last week's election for a fourth or a higher term, the PPP came to the consensus that a caretaker steering committee should prepare for the convention in orderly fashion. Regarding who should chair the interim committee, various opinions are voiced including current acting party leader Yun Jae-ok serving the post or delegating the decision to a newly elected floor leader. Meanwhile, the main opposition Democratic Party continues to press for a special counsel probe into alleged interference in the investigation of the death of Corporal Chae Su-geun of the Marine Corps during a search and rescue operation last year. 117 DP lawmakers have issued a statement to this effect.

Hong Ihk-pyo (Floor Leader, Democratic Party): The special counsel bill was automatically sent to the April 4 plenary session. We'll keep the promise to handle it in a post-election plenary session.

The DP wants the fast-tracked special counsel bill, which only awaits a floor vote, to be handled within the 21st National Assembly as some members of the PPP and the New Reform Party also support the move. The DP also intends to pursue a revote of a special bill on the Itaewon crowd crush within the remaining term of the outgoing Assembly.


[Anchor Lead]
In the latest general election, a concerning record emerged with invalid votes in the proportional representation party poll reaching an unprecedented 1.31 million. This figure even exceeded the votes received by the New Reform Party, which secured two seats. The surge in invalid votes has been particularly notable following the introduction of the semi-mixed member proportional representation system four years ago.

Ballots for selecting proportional representation parties at the last general elections were as long as 51cm, the longest ever, complicating the counting process from the start.

Ballots are very long. Please make sure they are not torn.

Baskets labeled as "invalid" were full of proportional ballots during the opening process. Invalid votes accounted for 4.4% of all votes, or 1.31 million - the highest ever. It's also more than the 1.03 million votes won by the New Reform Party. This was somewhat expected.

Yun Jae-ok (Floor Leader, People Power Party (Feb.)): How bewildered must voters have felt receiving such confusing ballots?

Lee Jae-myung (Chair, Democratic Party(March 22)): The DP's proportional representation party is the Democratic Alliance.

The number of invalid votes began to surge when the semi-mixed member proportional representation system was introduced for the first time at the 21st general elections four years ago. It is one of the factors behind too many proportional representation parties. Another factor is voters' disillusionment in politics.

Prof. Lee June-han (Incheon National University): Invalid votes represent voters' opinions and must be taken seriously. The election system and the way candidates are nominated...should be overhauled as the public wants.

At this year's general elections, 34 parties obtained less than 3% of votes, failing to win any proportional representation seats. Votes cast for them coupled with invalid votes account for 12.8%, or 3.79 million.


[Anchor Lead]
In the decade since the tragic Sewol ferry tragedy, the families of the victims have struggled with lingering questions about why the vessel sank and why the children weren't saved. This ordeal has been especially painful for Ms. Park Jeong-hwa, whose daughter, Jo Eun-jeong, was a second-year student at Danwon High School.

Paengmok Port is the first destination the dead students arrived after being collected from the cold waters. A mother of a victim has visited the site again.

Park Jeong-hwa (Mother of the late Cho Eun-jeong): This is where our children first surfaced, deceased. We must remember this place. We are here with hopes of establishing a memorial.

Eun-jeong, a loving daughter, was found dead six days after the tragic incident.

Park Jeong-hwa (Mother of the late Cho Eun-jeong:) Eun-jeong was such a good daughter. She always remembered the birthdays of the family. I have never celebrated my birthday since she died.

The mother's life has also come to a stop for ten years since her daughter's death.

Park Jeong-hwa (Mother of the late Cho Eun-jeong): A child is like a beating heart for a parent. It is a piece of your own body. Losing her was like losing a part of me. You really can't live on. My life has come to a full stop.

The only thing she has wanted for the past decade is to get to the bottom of the facts and the truth behind the ship's sinking.

Park Jeong-hwa (Mother of the late Cho Eun-jeong): I have to know why they didn't save the children, missed the timing to save them, only saved the sailors. Then, I can bury my daughter in my heart. But nothing has been uncovered.

The mother inscribed her daughter's name on a ring.

Park Jeong-hwa (Mother of the late Cho Eun-jeong): I will have found the truth on why this country abandoned you. Please give me wisdom in the meantime. Please be with me always. Be well until we meet again.


[Anchor Lead]
Today marks the exact ten-year anniversary of the Sewol ferry tragedy. Although a significant amount of time has passed, many people continue to live with unhealed wounds from this tragedy. We met with bereaved families and divers involved in the aftermath to hear their ongoing stories.

Park Bo-na is the elder sister of the late Park Sung-ho, who died in the Sewol ferry tragedy. While dealing with pain of grief, she also had to worry about what others thought of her predicament.

Park Bo-na (Sister of the late Park Sung-ho): I keep questioning myself if I am acting too much like a victim. I feel timid and discouraged.

Her sorrow deepened when she learned about another tragedy that happened in the country.

Park Bo-na (Sister of the late Park Sung-ho): When I saw the Osong underpass flooding, it became hard to carry on with my daily life.

Hwang Byung-ju, a private diver who took part in the rescue operations when the Sewol ferry sank, had to deal with depression up until last year. The adverse effects such as kidney failure, which caused him to receive dialysis, have not improved much, but receiving help from the state has become even more difficult.

Hwang Byung-ju (Diver (participated in Sewol ferry rescue operations)): Painkillers gave me gastric problems so my doctor prescribed medication. But the causation to the tradegy was never recognized.

Surviving families and varying victims of the Sewol ferry sinking still have to deal with their traumas and disease. One study even indicates that they have a high risk of developing cancer and digestive disorders.

Prof. Paik Jong-woo (Kyunghee University:) Chronic PTSD can last 10 or 20 years. Even when memories fade over time, in some people the body keeps the score of the pain.

Government funding for healthcare services provided to the Sewol ferry tragedy victims ended this Monday. The revision bill on extending the aid is still pending at the National Assembly.

Park Bo-na (Sister of the late Park Sung-ho): People think it's possible to overcome trauma, but traumas are not something to overcome. They are taken in steps, using the concept of growth. That's what people need to understand.


[Anchor Lead]
On a street in Ulsan, a sudden medical emergency involving a driver in his 50s could have escalated into a severe accident were it not for the watchful eye and quick actions of a nearby citizen who managed to save the driver's life. Here's more.

A car stopped in the middle of the road. Despite honking from the car behind, the sedan didn't move. The driver of the car behind got out to check on the driver of the stationary vehicle. The man, sensing something was wrong, called emergency services. But, the stopped car suddenly started moving and crashed into another car parked in front. Without hesitation, the man borrowed a hammer from a store, smashed the rear window, and pulled the driver out of the car. The driver was diagnosed with epilepsy after being rushed to the hospital by ambulance, but recovered thanks to prompt treatment. The rescuer was a 33-year-old man identified as Jeon Ji-hoon. He said he was in the area to meet a friend and instinctively acted upon witnessing the emergency situation.

Jeon Ji-hoon (Rescuer): I instinctively felt something was wrong, knew I had to check the situation.

Jeon, who works at a sports center in Ulsan, found that his prior lifesaving training proved to be invaluable.

Jeon Ji-hoon (Rescuer): With my background in lifesaving and safety training, I'm ready to step in and save lives without hesitation if needed again.

The fire department awarded Jeon a plaque of appreciation for his quick thinking that saved a life.


[Anchor Lead]
Authorities have taken action as gun-like products, capable of lethal force, are being distributed without authorization through prominent overseas online shopping platforms. Despite current laws prohibiting their import, these items were still freely available for purchase, as revealed by experimental results.

With a roaring sound and rising smoke, a fired bullet flies toward a target. This gun is similar to the homemade gun used to assassinate former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2022. This time, a gunpowder-type nailing machine is fired. The nail goes straight to hit the target. The National Intelligence Service conducted a test of firearms built or tweaked using materials found online in overseas platforms. The NIS said it found that dangerous items were illegally brought into the country from famous online shopping sites abroad and launched an inspection. As a result, it learned that gunpowder-type nailing tools, slingshots and crossbows whose imports are banned in Korea can be purchased via those shopping sites without restriction. Under Korea's gun control law, these products can be purchased only with police permission. Those violating this rule are subject to up to ten years in prison or fines of up to 50 million won, roughly 36,000 USD. The NIS also found multiple items that can be used for building homemade firearms, although there are no rules on their imports. In 2020, just 18 cases of illegal firearm imports were reported. After surging to some 3,300 in 2022, the number began dropping. However, it is still hovering above 700.

Lee Yoon-ho (Endowed-chair professor, Korea Cyber Univ.): It is necessary to make firearm purchasers take greater responsibility. They can make them more powerful through conversion.

The NIS says that in collaboration with other government agencies, it is coming up with measures to block the imports of such items, including tighter inspections on express cargo sent from overseas.

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    • 입력 2024-04-16 15:18:05
    • 수정2024-04-16 16:45:05
    News Today

[Anchor Lead]
President Yoon Suk Yeol has humbly acknowledged the results of the recent general election. He emphasized his commitment to adopting a more humble posture to attentively listen to the public sentiment and expressed his intention to enhance communication with the National Assembly.

President Yoon Suk Yeol has directly conveyed his position for the first time since last week’s general election.

Yoon Suk Yeol (President): I will listen and communicate more humbly and flexibly to public sentiment.

He noted that policy measures were insufficient to produce tangible changes in people’s lives. He said the government should have looked after the lives of the struggling public more carefully. He vowed to swiftly implement tailored policies.

Yoon Suk Yeol (President): I will move deeper into people’s lives to listen to grievances and more actively look after concerns.

Yoon also reaffirmed his commitment to structural reform saying reform drives cannot stop. He vowed to continue reforms in labor, education, pension and the medical sector...while strengthening communication in the process.

Yoon Suk Yeol (President): I will be more attentive to reasonable views, fulfill the government's responsibility and closely work with the National Assembly.

Regarding heightened tensions in the Middle East, especially between Iran and Israel, Yoon ordered ministries to make every effort to manage supply chains and energy supply. Also marking the 10th anniversary of the 2014 Sewol ferry sinking, Yoon expressed condolences and deep sympathy to the victims and bereaved families.


[Anchor Lead]
Following its electoral defeat, the ruling People Power Party is planning to form an emergency leadership committee and subsequently hold a party convention for restructuring. Meanwhile, capitalizing on its electoral success, the Democratic Party aims to pass the 'Corporal Chae Su-geun Special Counsel Probe' and a revote on the 'Itaewon Disaster Special Act' within the 21st National Assembly's term.

The ruling People Power Party has decided create an emergency leadership committee before holding a party convention to elect a new leader.

Yun Jae-ok (PPP floor leader and acting chair): Holding a party convention requires working-level procedures and an emergency committee is necessary for this under party regulations.

During a meeting of lawmakers elected in last week's election for a fourth or a higher term, the PPP came to the consensus that a caretaker steering committee should prepare for the convention in orderly fashion. Regarding who should chair the interim committee, various opinions are voiced including current acting party leader Yun Jae-ok serving the post or delegating the decision to a newly elected floor leader. Meanwhile, the main opposition Democratic Party continues to press for a special counsel probe into alleged interference in the investigation of the death of Corporal Chae Su-geun of the Marine Corps during a search and rescue operation last year. 117 DP lawmakers have issued a statement to this effect.

Hong Ihk-pyo (Floor Leader, Democratic Party): The special counsel bill was automatically sent to the April 4 plenary session. We'll keep the promise to handle it in a post-election plenary session.

The DP wants the fast-tracked special counsel bill, which only awaits a floor vote, to be handled within the 21st National Assembly as some members of the PPP and the New Reform Party also support the move. The DP also intends to pursue a revote of a special bill on the Itaewon crowd crush within the remaining term of the outgoing Assembly.


[Anchor Lead]
In the latest general election, a concerning record emerged with invalid votes in the proportional representation party poll reaching an unprecedented 1.31 million. This figure even exceeded the votes received by the New Reform Party, which secured two seats. The surge in invalid votes has been particularly notable following the introduction of the semi-mixed member proportional representation system four years ago.

Ballots for selecting proportional representation parties at the last general elections were as long as 51cm, the longest ever, complicating the counting process from the start.

Ballots are very long. Please make sure they are not torn.

Baskets labeled as "invalid" were full of proportional ballots during the opening process. Invalid votes accounted for 4.4% of all votes, or 1.31 million - the highest ever. It's also more than the 1.03 million votes won by the New Reform Party. This was somewhat expected.

Yun Jae-ok (Floor Leader, People Power Party (Feb.)): How bewildered must voters have felt receiving such confusing ballots?

Lee Jae-myung (Chair, Democratic Party(March 22)): The DP's proportional representation party is the Democratic Alliance.

The number of invalid votes began to surge when the semi-mixed member proportional representation system was introduced for the first time at the 21st general elections four years ago. It is one of the factors behind too many proportional representation parties. Another factor is voters' disillusionment in politics.

Prof. Lee June-han (Incheon National University): Invalid votes represent voters' opinions and must be taken seriously. The election system and the way candidates are nominated...should be overhauled as the public wants.

At this year's general elections, 34 parties obtained less than 3% of votes, failing to win any proportional representation seats. Votes cast for them coupled with invalid votes account for 12.8%, or 3.79 million.


[Anchor Lead]
In the decade since the tragic Sewol ferry tragedy, the families of the victims have struggled with lingering questions about why the vessel sank and why the children weren't saved. This ordeal has been especially painful for Ms. Park Jeong-hwa, whose daughter, Jo Eun-jeong, was a second-year student at Danwon High School.

Paengmok Port is the first destination the dead students arrived after being collected from the cold waters. A mother of a victim has visited the site again.

Park Jeong-hwa (Mother of the late Cho Eun-jeong): This is where our children first surfaced, deceased. We must remember this place. We are here with hopes of establishing a memorial.

Eun-jeong, a loving daughter, was found dead six days after the tragic incident.

Park Jeong-hwa (Mother of the late Cho Eun-jeong:) Eun-jeong was such a good daughter. She always remembered the birthdays of the family. I have never celebrated my birthday since she died.

The mother's life has also come to a stop for ten years since her daughter's death.

Park Jeong-hwa (Mother of the late Cho Eun-jeong): A child is like a beating heart for a parent. It is a piece of your own body. Losing her was like losing a part of me. You really can't live on. My life has come to a full stop.

The only thing she has wanted for the past decade is to get to the bottom of the facts and the truth behind the ship's sinking.

Park Jeong-hwa (Mother of the late Cho Eun-jeong): I have to know why they didn't save the children, missed the timing to save them, only saved the sailors. Then, I can bury my daughter in my heart. But nothing has been uncovered.

The mother inscribed her daughter's name on a ring.

Park Jeong-hwa (Mother of the late Cho Eun-jeong): I will have found the truth on why this country abandoned you. Please give me wisdom in the meantime. Please be with me always. Be well until we meet again.


[Anchor Lead]
Today marks the exact ten-year anniversary of the Sewol ferry tragedy. Although a significant amount of time has passed, many people continue to live with unhealed wounds from this tragedy. We met with bereaved families and divers involved in the aftermath to hear their ongoing stories.

Park Bo-na is the elder sister of the late Park Sung-ho, who died in the Sewol ferry tragedy. While dealing with pain of grief, she also had to worry about what others thought of her predicament.

Park Bo-na (Sister of the late Park Sung-ho): I keep questioning myself if I am acting too much like a victim. I feel timid and discouraged.

Her sorrow deepened when she learned about another tragedy that happened in the country.

Park Bo-na (Sister of the late Park Sung-ho): When I saw the Osong underpass flooding, it became hard to carry on with my daily life.

Hwang Byung-ju, a private diver who took part in the rescue operations when the Sewol ferry sank, had to deal with depression up until last year. The adverse effects such as kidney failure, which caused him to receive dialysis, have not improved much, but receiving help from the state has become even more difficult.

Hwang Byung-ju (Diver (participated in Sewol ferry rescue operations)): Painkillers gave me gastric problems so my doctor prescribed medication. But the causation to the tradegy was never recognized.

Surviving families and varying victims of the Sewol ferry sinking still have to deal with their traumas and disease. One study even indicates that they have a high risk of developing cancer and digestive disorders.

Prof. Paik Jong-woo (Kyunghee University:) Chronic PTSD can last 10 or 20 years. Even when memories fade over time, in some people the body keeps the score of the pain.

Government funding for healthcare services provided to the Sewol ferry tragedy victims ended this Monday. The revision bill on extending the aid is still pending at the National Assembly.

Park Bo-na (Sister of the late Park Sung-ho): People think it's possible to overcome trauma, but traumas are not something to overcome. They are taken in steps, using the concept of growth. That's what people need to understand.


[Anchor Lead]
On a street in Ulsan, a sudden medical emergency involving a driver in his 50s could have escalated into a severe accident were it not for the watchful eye and quick actions of a nearby citizen who managed to save the driver's life. Here's more.

A car stopped in the middle of the road. Despite honking from the car behind, the sedan didn't move. The driver of the car behind got out to check on the driver of the stationary vehicle. The man, sensing something was wrong, called emergency services. But, the stopped car suddenly started moving and crashed into another car parked in front. Without hesitation, the man borrowed a hammer from a store, smashed the rear window, and pulled the driver out of the car. The driver was diagnosed with epilepsy after being rushed to the hospital by ambulance, but recovered thanks to prompt treatment. The rescuer was a 33-year-old man identified as Jeon Ji-hoon. He said he was in the area to meet a friend and instinctively acted upon witnessing the emergency situation.

Jeon Ji-hoon (Rescuer): I instinctively felt something was wrong, knew I had to check the situation.

Jeon, who works at a sports center in Ulsan, found that his prior lifesaving training proved to be invaluable.

Jeon Ji-hoon (Rescuer): With my background in lifesaving and safety training, I'm ready to step in and save lives without hesitation if needed again.

The fire department awarded Jeon a plaque of appreciation for his quick thinking that saved a life.


[Anchor Lead]
Authorities have taken action as gun-like products, capable of lethal force, are being distributed without authorization through prominent overseas online shopping platforms. Despite current laws prohibiting their import, these items were still freely available for purchase, as revealed by experimental results.

With a roaring sound and rising smoke, a fired bullet flies toward a target. This gun is similar to the homemade gun used to assassinate former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2022. This time, a gunpowder-type nailing machine is fired. The nail goes straight to hit the target. The National Intelligence Service conducted a test of firearms built or tweaked using materials found online in overseas platforms. The NIS said it found that dangerous items were illegally brought into the country from famous online shopping sites abroad and launched an inspection. As a result, it learned that gunpowder-type nailing tools, slingshots and crossbows whose imports are banned in Korea can be purchased via those shopping sites without restriction. Under Korea's gun control law, these products can be purchased only with police permission. Those violating this rule are subject to up to ten years in prison or fines of up to 50 million won, roughly 36,000 USD. The NIS also found multiple items that can be used for building homemade firearms, although there are no rules on their imports. In 2020, just 18 cases of illegal firearm imports were reported. After surging to some 3,300 in 2022, the number began dropping. However, it is still hovering above 700.

Lee Yoon-ho (Endowed-chair professor, Korea Cyber Univ.): It is necessary to make firearm purchasers take greater responsibility. They can make them more powerful through conversion.

The NIS says that in collaboration with other government agencies, it is coming up with measures to block the imports of such items, including tighter inspections on express cargo sent from overseas.

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