입력 2024.08.27 (16:08) 수정 2024.08.27 (16:09)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

North Korea has for the first time unveiled a self-developed suicide drone. Some suggest this could be a move aimed at increasing drone exports to Russia.

A white drone comes crashing down into a tank resembling the South Korean military's K-2 battle tank and flames rise with an explosion.

North Korean news outlets reported on
performance tests of two types of "suicide drones" for the first time.

N. Korea's Voice of Korea/
All drones precisely detected, hit and decimated designated targets.

Despite blurry images, we can infer based on its appearance that it resembles Israel's Harop and Russia's Lancet suicide

The North Korean drones seem to be equipped with a flight function of crashing into targets vertically.

Previously, the North presented drone development as a key task in its five-year military development plan announced in 2021.

Analysts say that through the latest drone tests, North Korea aims to boast the results of its weapons development efforts while eyeing an opportunity to export to Russia, which has a great demand for unmanned aerial vehicles.

Yang Wook / Asan Institute for Policy Studies
Considering the drones' appearance, North Korea might have received support from Russia. The North may intend to produce and export to Russia.

For its capability to cause devastating damage to the enemy at low costs, suicide drones are increasingly utilized in modern warfare.

With its struggling economy, North Korea will likely focus on developing drones.

The South Korean military says it maintains a solid system to detect and intercept enemy drones.

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    • 입력 2024-08-27 16:08:38
    • 수정2024-08-27 16:09:37
    News Today

North Korea has for the first time unveiled a self-developed suicide drone. Some suggest this could be a move aimed at increasing drone exports to Russia.

A white drone comes crashing down into a tank resembling the South Korean military's K-2 battle tank and flames rise with an explosion.

North Korean news outlets reported on
performance tests of two types of "suicide drones" for the first time.

N. Korea's Voice of Korea/
All drones precisely detected, hit and decimated designated targets.

Despite blurry images, we can infer based on its appearance that it resembles Israel's Harop and Russia's Lancet suicide

The North Korean drones seem to be equipped with a flight function of crashing into targets vertically.

Previously, the North presented drone development as a key task in its five-year military development plan announced in 2021.

Analysts say that through the latest drone tests, North Korea aims to boast the results of its weapons development efforts while eyeing an opportunity to export to Russia, which has a great demand for unmanned aerial vehicles.

Yang Wook / Asan Institute for Policy Studies
Considering the drones' appearance, North Korea might have received support from Russia. The North may intend to produce and export to Russia.

For its capability to cause devastating damage to the enemy at low costs, suicide drones are increasingly utilized in modern warfare.

With its struggling economy, North Korea will likely focus on developing drones.

The South Korean military says it maintains a solid system to detect and intercept enemy drones.

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