입력 2024.09.04 (16:09) 수정 2024.09.04 (16:11)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

Telegram is being identified as a key distributing channel of deepfake sex crime videos. The platform agreed to collaborate with the Korea Communications Standards Commission to block illegal content. This is the first time Telegram responded to Korea's request for cooperation. The KCSC regards this as a positive shift.

Telegram, a messenger app based overseas.

So far it showed a lukewarm response to the request by the Korea Communications Standards Commission to delete and block illegal contents.

Their lack of cooperation resulted in difficulties in regulating digital sex crime videos, but after persistent requests for cooperation Telegram has finally replied for the first time.

In an email sent to the commission, Telegram's East Asia branch representative apologized for the company's response to digital sex crimes and pledged to build a trust-based relationship.

Telegram said it has faithfully processed reports from Korea and expressed regret over the current situation. It also apologized for miscommunication.

The Korea Communications Standards Commission has also received an exclusive email account from Telegram where deleted content can be confirmed.

Lee Dong-soo / Korea Communications Standards Commission
We welcome Telegram's positive stance. We will build a strong relationship and establish a hotline to fight digital sex crimes and address issues in earnest.

Telegram added it has deleted 25 pieces of sexual exploitation material from its platform in line with the commission's request sent on Sept. 1.

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    • 입력 2024-09-04 16:09:58
    • 수정2024-09-04 16:11:56
    News Today

Telegram is being identified as a key distributing channel of deepfake sex crime videos. The platform agreed to collaborate with the Korea Communications Standards Commission to block illegal content. This is the first time Telegram responded to Korea's request for cooperation. The KCSC regards this as a positive shift.

Telegram, a messenger app based overseas.

So far it showed a lukewarm response to the request by the Korea Communications Standards Commission to delete and block illegal contents.

Their lack of cooperation resulted in difficulties in regulating digital sex crime videos, but after persistent requests for cooperation Telegram has finally replied for the first time.

In an email sent to the commission, Telegram's East Asia branch representative apologized for the company's response to digital sex crimes and pledged to build a trust-based relationship.

Telegram said it has faithfully processed reports from Korea and expressed regret over the current situation. It also apologized for miscommunication.

The Korea Communications Standards Commission has also received an exclusive email account from Telegram where deleted content can be confirmed.

Lee Dong-soo / Korea Communications Standards Commission
We welcome Telegram's positive stance. We will build a strong relationship and establish a hotline to fight digital sex crimes and address issues in earnest.

Telegram added it has deleted 25 pieces of sexual exploitation material from its platform in line with the commission's request sent on Sept. 1.

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