Independence Movement

입력 2016.08.17 (14:14) 수정 2016.08.17 (14:18)

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[Anchor Lead]

In northeastern China, there are still traces of Korea's independence movement during the Japanese colonial era. Marking the 71st year of Korean independence, young Koreans studying in this region in China visited these sites to reflect on the legacy of Korean freedom fighters.


As the first item on their itinerary, Korean students studying in northeastern China visited the Chinese city of Dandong. The reality of a divided Korea becomes all the more tangible, as North Korea comes within view just across the Yalu River. Concerns were raised over the trip due to increasing tensions in the North Korea-China border area recently, but the students eagerly took part.

[Soundbite] Hong Ji-min(Shenyang Korean Int'l School) : "I was worried because relations with North Korea are not entirely smooth. But now that I'm here, I'm happy that I came as I am learning more about unification."

Following the traces of the independence movement leads to relics of the ancient Goguryeo kingdom, filled with the spirit of Korea's ancestors. The students reflect on the past, perceive the present with renewed perspective and now ponder on the future.

[Soundbite] Kim Hye-man(Hunchun No. 1 Senior Middle School) : "I'd like to see Korea's beautiful land in a unified Korea."

Completing a four day trip in northeastern China, the students are determined to continue the spirit of their freedom fighter ancestors who achieved national independence, and to strive for the unification of the two Koreas.

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  • Independence Movement
    • 입력 2016-08-17 14:16:21
    • 수정2016-08-17 14:18:57
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

In northeastern China, there are still traces of Korea's independence movement during the Japanese colonial era. Marking the 71st year of Korean independence, young Koreans studying in this region in China visited these sites to reflect on the legacy of Korean freedom fighters.


As the first item on their itinerary, Korean students studying in northeastern China visited the Chinese city of Dandong. The reality of a divided Korea becomes all the more tangible, as North Korea comes within view just across the Yalu River. Concerns were raised over the trip due to increasing tensions in the North Korea-China border area recently, but the students eagerly took part.

[Soundbite] Hong Ji-min(Shenyang Korean Int'l School) : "I was worried because relations with North Korea are not entirely smooth. But now that I'm here, I'm happy that I came as I am learning more about unification."

Following the traces of the independence movement leads to relics of the ancient Goguryeo kingdom, filled with the spirit of Korea's ancestors. The students reflect on the past, perceive the present with renewed perspective and now ponder on the future.

[Soundbite] Kim Hye-man(Hunchun No. 1 Senior Middle School) : "I'd like to see Korea's beautiful land in a unified Korea."

Completing a four day trip in northeastern China, the students are determined to continue the spirit of their freedom fighter ancestors who achieved national independence, and to strive for the unification of the two Koreas.

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