Seniors at Work

입력 2017.05.22 (14:11) 수정 2017.05.22 (14:25)

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[Anchor Lead]

In the era of longer life expectancies, many elders are as eager to stay in the job market as young people. The woman we feature next is a model and she's over 90.


A model walks on the runway to an exciting melody. The look on her face and her walking posture exude confidence. She is Park Yang-ja, who definitely catches the eye among the other senior models, most of whom are in their 50s and 60s.

[Soundbite] Park Yang-ja(91-year-old/Senior Model) : "I'm 91 already. It's fun to do what I truly like, and it helps me keep fit. I think I can do anything now."

Park says she was always interested in fashion since she was young. But she had to give up her dream because she did not have the opportunity to study. She lived as an ordinary housewife until she was finally able to start her modeling career about ten years ago. After participating in more than 100 fashion shows, she has become a veteran among senior models.

[Soundbite] Lim Kwon-im(87-year-old/Senior Model) : "It's great to work with her. She gives us tips on how to model better."

After more than a month of preparation, the big day has arrived. The audience gives Park a big round of applause, as she walks confidently in the spotlight.

[Soundbite] Park Yang-ja(91-year-old/Senior Model) : "I hope I can do this for the rest of my life as long as I exist in this world."

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  • Seniors at Work
    • 입력 2017-05-22 14:05:29
    • 수정2017-05-22 14:25:36
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

In the era of longer life expectancies, many elders are as eager to stay in the job market as young people. The woman we feature next is a model and she's over 90.


A model walks on the runway to an exciting melody. The look on her face and her walking posture exude confidence. She is Park Yang-ja, who definitely catches the eye among the other senior models, most of whom are in their 50s and 60s.

[Soundbite] Park Yang-ja(91-year-old/Senior Model) : "I'm 91 already. It's fun to do what I truly like, and it helps me keep fit. I think I can do anything now."

Park says she was always interested in fashion since she was young. But she had to give up her dream because she did not have the opportunity to study. She lived as an ordinary housewife until she was finally able to start her modeling career about ten years ago. After participating in more than 100 fashion shows, she has become a veteran among senior models.

[Soundbite] Lim Kwon-im(87-year-old/Senior Model) : "It's great to work with her. She gives us tips on how to model better."

After more than a month of preparation, the big day has arrived. The audience gives Park a big round of applause, as she walks confidently in the spotlight.

[Soundbite] Park Yang-ja(91-year-old/Senior Model) : "I hope I can do this for the rest of my life as long as I exist in this world."

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