Korean Empire Feast

입력 2017.10.12 (14:17) 수정 2017.10.12 (14:22)

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[Anchor Lead]

The Joseon Dynasty proclaimed itself as the Korean Empire in October 1897. This year marks the 120th anniversary of that proclamation. An authentic royal feast from the time has been staged as part of programs to restore the history of the forgotten empire.


Rare, luxurious dishes are being made in a hotel kitchen. They are plates of Western cuisine served for a royal banquet during the Korean Empire. These dishes were presented in their original forms at a banquet room where foreign diplomats were received. It is an authentic French course consisting of 12 dishes, including foie gras pate, grilled beef tenderloin with truffles and pheasant breast with grapes. In order to re-create the dishes, chefs studied French cookery books from the 19th Century and used relics stored at the National Palace Museum.

[Soundbite] Yoo Jae-deo(Head Chef, Shinsegae Chosun Hotel) : "Cake molds and a manual ice cream machine were left at the National Palace Museum. We referred to such relics."

It is believed that the Korean Empire held a French-style banquet in accordance with international diplomatic protocols in order to demonstrate its status as a nation with an emperor.

[Soundbite] Prof. Sohn Jeong-woo(Baewha Women's University) : "The Korean Empire held a Western-style banquet in order to establish diplomatic relations on an equal footing with foreign nations and to demonstrate its status as a sovereign country."

With this year marking the 120th anniversary of the proclamation of the Korean Empire, cultural authorities will continue to hold various events to restore and revive forgotten culture and history.

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  • Korean Empire Feast
    • 입력 2017-10-12 14:07:18
    • 수정2017-10-12 14:22:45
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The Joseon Dynasty proclaimed itself as the Korean Empire in October 1897. This year marks the 120th anniversary of that proclamation. An authentic royal feast from the time has been staged as part of programs to restore the history of the forgotten empire.


Rare, luxurious dishes are being made in a hotel kitchen. They are plates of Western cuisine served for a royal banquet during the Korean Empire. These dishes were presented in their original forms at a banquet room where foreign diplomats were received. It is an authentic French course consisting of 12 dishes, including foie gras pate, grilled beef tenderloin with truffles and pheasant breast with grapes. In order to re-create the dishes, chefs studied French cookery books from the 19th Century and used relics stored at the National Palace Museum.

[Soundbite] Yoo Jae-deo(Head Chef, Shinsegae Chosun Hotel) : "Cake molds and a manual ice cream machine were left at the National Palace Museum. We referred to such relics."

It is believed that the Korean Empire held a French-style banquet in accordance with international diplomatic protocols in order to demonstrate its status as a nation with an emperor.

[Soundbite] Prof. Sohn Jeong-woo(Baewha Women's University) : "The Korean Empire held a Western-style banquet in order to establish diplomatic relations on an equal footing with foreign nations and to demonstrate its status as a sovereign country."

With this year marking the 120th anniversary of the proclamation of the Korean Empire, cultural authorities will continue to hold various events to restore and revive forgotten culture and history.

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