N. Korean Star Singer

입력 2018.01.22 (14:52) 수정 2018.01.22 (16:43)

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[Anchor Lead]

The glamorous North Korean singer and the leader of the Samjiyon Orchestra, Hyon Song-wol, has drawn significant attention during her visit to South Korea. Her presence and security level were on par with heads of state.

[Soundbite] "Welcome!"


Hyon Song-wol, the leader of the North Korean Samjiyon Orchestra, has visited the Gangneung Arts Center to check on its acoustic facilities, makeup and dress rooms. In December 2015, Hyon Song-wol visited Beijing as the leader of the Moranbong Band. Last year, her name was in the list of candidates for the Central Committee of North Korea's Workers' Party. At the recent inter-Korean working-level talks, the head of the North Korean delegation did not offer to shake hands with the South Korean delegation until he received an approving look from Hyon Song-wol, which points to her rising political status in the North. The North Korean delegation has notified the South that the repertoire of the North Korean artists who will perform in the South will consist of songs that fit the mood of national unification, folksongs familiar to people in both Koreas, as well as songs famous around the world. The performance will be staged by the Samjiyon Band.

[Soundbite] Chung Chi-yong(Chief of S. Korean Delegation to Inter-Korean working-level Talks) : "It's not a conventional symphony orchestra. North Korea calls the entire band a symphony orchestra. It has about 80 musicians, plus singers and dancers, which adds up to 140 people."

At the working-level talks, the Moranbong Band's participation was not mentioned. However, observers say that the Moranbong Band may participate in the upcoming performance, as the two Koreas have agreed to discuss the matter at a later date and the repertoire includes folk songs.

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  • N. Korean Star Singer
    • 입력 2018-01-22 14:55:50
    • 수정2018-01-22 16:43:02
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The glamorous North Korean singer and the leader of the Samjiyon Orchestra, Hyon Song-wol, has drawn significant attention during her visit to South Korea. Her presence and security level were on par with heads of state.

[Soundbite] "Welcome!"


Hyon Song-wol, the leader of the North Korean Samjiyon Orchestra, has visited the Gangneung Arts Center to check on its acoustic facilities, makeup and dress rooms. In December 2015, Hyon Song-wol visited Beijing as the leader of the Moranbong Band. Last year, her name was in the list of candidates for the Central Committee of North Korea's Workers' Party. At the recent inter-Korean working-level talks, the head of the North Korean delegation did not offer to shake hands with the South Korean delegation until he received an approving look from Hyon Song-wol, which points to her rising political status in the North. The North Korean delegation has notified the South that the repertoire of the North Korean artists who will perform in the South will consist of songs that fit the mood of national unification, folksongs familiar to people in both Koreas, as well as songs famous around the world. The performance will be staged by the Samjiyon Band.

[Soundbite] Chung Chi-yong(Chief of S. Korean Delegation to Inter-Korean working-level Talks) : "It's not a conventional symphony orchestra. North Korea calls the entire band a symphony orchestra. It has about 80 musicians, plus singers and dancers, which adds up to 140 people."

At the working-level talks, the Moranbong Band's participation was not mentioned. However, observers say that the Moranbong Band may participate in the upcoming performance, as the two Koreas have agreed to discuss the matter at a later date and the repertoire includes folk songs.

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