Suspicious Funds

입력 2018.01.22 (14:56) 수정 2018.01.22 (16:43)

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[Anchor Lead]

One of the children of Former National Intelligence Service chief Won Sei-hoon reportedly purchased an expensive apartment in Gangnam in cash. The apartment is said to be worth more than 1 billion won. The Prosecution is focusing its investigation on where the money came from and whether the cash is part of the NIS's special fund.

Prosecutors found a strange real estate transaction while investigating former National Intelligence Service chief Won Sei-hoon and how he had used the spy agency's funds. It was found that one of Won's children had purchased an apartment in the Gangnam area worth more than one billion won all in cash. The prosecution obtained testimony from the apartment seller stating that it was strange that the buyer brought a bill counter to count the cash that was used to pay for the house in full. The prosecution noted the fact that the apartment was purchased during the former spy chief's tenure at the NIS. Analyses of the income and taxation records of Won Sei-hoon's children have led the prosecutors to believe that Won could have given monetary assistance. The prosecution is focusing its investigation on whether the NIS's special fund had gone into this real estate transaction. Meanwhile, an expanded reinvestigation is underway in the case of illegal spying on civilians conducted during the Lee Myung-bak administration. Prosecutors have questioned former Director General for Civil Service Discipline and Investigation of the Prime Minister's Secretariat in regards to this matter. The official allegedly delivered 50 million won to former Prime Minister's Secretariat secretary Jang Jin-soo to keep him silent on the matter.

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  • Suspicious Funds
    • 입력 2018-01-22 14:55:50
    • 수정2018-01-22 16:43:03
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

One of the children of Former National Intelligence Service chief Won Sei-hoon reportedly purchased an expensive apartment in Gangnam in cash. The apartment is said to be worth more than 1 billion won. The Prosecution is focusing its investigation on where the money came from and whether the cash is part of the NIS's special fund.

Prosecutors found a strange real estate transaction while investigating former National Intelligence Service chief Won Sei-hoon and how he had used the spy agency's funds. It was found that one of Won's children had purchased an apartment in the Gangnam area worth more than one billion won all in cash. The prosecution obtained testimony from the apartment seller stating that it was strange that the buyer brought a bill counter to count the cash that was used to pay for the house in full. The prosecution noted the fact that the apartment was purchased during the former spy chief's tenure at the NIS. Analyses of the income and taxation records of Won Sei-hoon's children have led the prosecutors to believe that Won could have given monetary assistance. The prosecution is focusing its investigation on whether the NIS's special fund had gone into this real estate transaction. Meanwhile, an expanded reinvestigation is underway in the case of illegal spying on civilians conducted during the Lee Myung-bak administration. Prosecutors have questioned former Director General for Civil Service Discipline and Investigation of the Prime Minister's Secretariat in regards to this matter. The official allegedly delivered 50 million won to former Prime Minister's Secretariat secretary Jang Jin-soo to keep him silent on the matter.

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