Imjin River Hockey

입력 2018.01.22 (14:59) 수정 2018.01.22 (16:43)

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[Anchor Lead]

Canadian soldiers fighting in the Korean War were known to play ice hockey on a frozen Imjin-gang River when they felt homesick. Such an ice hockey match was held on the Imjin-gang River once again for the first time in 65 years. The Canadian Korean


In February 1952 during the height of the Korean War, Canadian soldiers are enjoying ice hockey on the frozen Imjin-gang River. Ice hockey, the national sport of Canada, was a means to ease homesickness and strengthen comradeship for Canadian soldiers who were exhausted from the war. Though 65 years have passed since the Korean War ended, the Imjin-gang River has again turned into a venue for an exciting, dynamic hockey match. The Imjin Ice Hockey Classic was re-enacted by a team of Canadian soldiers belonging to a unit which was dispatched to the Korean War and a joint team of South Korean college students. Veterans in their 80s who are on a visit to South Korea were soon lost in old memories.

[Soundbite] Claude P.E. Charland(89-year-old, Canadian Veteran)

The Canadian veterans participated in the PyeongChang Olympic torch relay and wished for peace on the Korean Peninsula.

[Soundbite] Dennis Moore(87-year-old, Canadian Veteran)

Canada sent roughly 26,000 soldiers to fight for South Korea, the third largest number among countries participating in the Korean War.

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  • Imjin River Hockey
    • 입력 2018-01-22 14:55:51
    • 수정2018-01-22 16:43:03
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Canadian soldiers fighting in the Korean War were known to play ice hockey on a frozen Imjin-gang River when they felt homesick. Such an ice hockey match was held on the Imjin-gang River once again for the first time in 65 years. The Canadian Korean


In February 1952 during the height of the Korean War, Canadian soldiers are enjoying ice hockey on the frozen Imjin-gang River. Ice hockey, the national sport of Canada, was a means to ease homesickness and strengthen comradeship for Canadian soldiers who were exhausted from the war. Though 65 years have passed since the Korean War ended, the Imjin-gang River has again turned into a venue for an exciting, dynamic hockey match. The Imjin Ice Hockey Classic was re-enacted by a team of Canadian soldiers belonging to a unit which was dispatched to the Korean War and a joint team of South Korean college students. Veterans in their 80s who are on a visit to South Korea were soon lost in old memories.

[Soundbite] Claude P.E. Charland(89-year-old, Canadian Veteran)

The Canadian veterans participated in the PyeongChang Olympic torch relay and wished for peace on the Korean Peninsula.

[Soundbite] Dennis Moore(87-year-old, Canadian Veteran)

Canada sent roughly 26,000 soldiers to fight for South Korea, the third largest number among countries participating in the Korean War.

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