Childcare Promise

입력 2018.01.25 (15:15) 수정 2018.01.25 (16:57)

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[Anchor Lead]

President Moon Jae-in has promised to ensure that 40 percent of the nation's children will be taken care of by state-run daycare centers by the end of his term. The president visited a childcare center as his first inspection on public welfare this year.


President Moon Jae-in met with local parents during a visit to a state-run daycare center in Seoul. Double-income parents prefer state or public-run daycare centers and kindergartens, which offer quality childcare services at relatively low fees. The president pointed out that there are not enough state-run childcare facilities given that only 13 percent of the nation's total children are allowed into them.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "About 300,000 children are on the waiting list. This is why people describe enrolling children at state-run daycare centers as winning a lottery."

Moon said that his primary childcare policy goal is to raise the rate of children using state-run childcare facilities to 40 percent within his term. He said that the goal is achievable, noting that 370 more state or public-run daycare centers were established with a supplementary budget last year, which is more than double the initial goal.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "The government plans to build 450 daycare centers this year. The government will be able to achieve the 40-percent goal by the end of my term if it moves at this pace."

The president also promised to increase support for private daycare centers and improve the treatment of nursing teachers. To achieve the goal, the president proposed that the government purchase or take long-term leases on private childcare facilities that are financially struggling. Prior to the meeting with local parents, Moon watched a magic show with children and gave them children's books as gifts. Afterwards, local residents gave the president a flower wreath to celebrate his birthday.

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  • Childcare Promise
    • 입력 2018-01-25 14:56:48
    • 수정2018-01-25 16:57:19
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

President Moon Jae-in has promised to ensure that 40 percent of the nation's children will be taken care of by state-run daycare centers by the end of his term. The president visited a childcare center as his first inspection on public welfare this year.


President Moon Jae-in met with local parents during a visit to a state-run daycare center in Seoul. Double-income parents prefer state or public-run daycare centers and kindergartens, which offer quality childcare services at relatively low fees. The president pointed out that there are not enough state-run childcare facilities given that only 13 percent of the nation's total children are allowed into them.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "About 300,000 children are on the waiting list. This is why people describe enrolling children at state-run daycare centers as winning a lottery."

Moon said that his primary childcare policy goal is to raise the rate of children using state-run childcare facilities to 40 percent within his term. He said that the goal is achievable, noting that 370 more state or public-run daycare centers were established with a supplementary budget last year, which is more than double the initial goal.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "The government plans to build 450 daycare centers this year. The government will be able to achieve the 40-percent goal by the end of my term if it moves at this pace."

The president also promised to increase support for private daycare centers and improve the treatment of nursing teachers. To achieve the goal, the president proposed that the government purchase or take long-term leases on private childcare facilities that are financially struggling. Prior to the meeting with local parents, Moon watched a magic show with children and gave them children's books as gifts. Afterwards, local residents gave the president a flower wreath to celebrate his birthday.

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