Constitutional Revision

입력 2018.03.22 (15:12) 수정 2018.03.22 (16:38)

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[Anchor Lead]

The presidential office on Wednesday unveiled the second part of the government's constitutional revision bill. The proposed bill outlines a clause regarding the nation's capital to enable its possible relocation in the future. The bill also calls for greater decentralization of power and articulates the "public concept of land ownership." We have the details.


In the government's constitutional revision bill unveiled by the presidential office, what draws immediate attention is a new clause regarding the nation's capital. This clause has been added to the Constitution which seeks to allow the capital to be designated by law. This paves the way for the government to relocate the capital city and an envisioned administrative capital, a project that was once pushed but failed in the past, prevented by wording in the customary constitution viewing Seoul as the capital city of the Republic of Korea. The top office said the amendment bill also reflects the urgent need to realign the structure of government agencies. The bill also calls for greater decentralization of power or autonomy for local governments. The proposed bill stipulates that the Republic of Korea aims to become a decentralized nation, making clear its the direction regarding state governance. The official title of local governments will be changed to match their enhanced authority. They will gain stronger rights to legislate ordinances and collect taxes. The bill also articulates the "public concept of land ownership" to allow the state to impose certain restrictions or duties if necessary for the public and reasonable use of land. The top office said that articles regarding the autonomy of local authorities will be implemented immediately after the revised Constitution is promulgated, promising swift execution.

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  • Constitutional Revision
    • 입력 2018-03-22 15:16:57
    • 수정2018-03-22 16:38:37
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The presidential office on Wednesday unveiled the second part of the government's constitutional revision bill. The proposed bill outlines a clause regarding the nation's capital to enable its possible relocation in the future. The bill also calls for greater decentralization of power and articulates the "public concept of land ownership." We have the details.


In the government's constitutional revision bill unveiled by the presidential office, what draws immediate attention is a new clause regarding the nation's capital. This clause has been added to the Constitution which seeks to allow the capital to be designated by law. This paves the way for the government to relocate the capital city and an envisioned administrative capital, a project that was once pushed but failed in the past, prevented by wording in the customary constitution viewing Seoul as the capital city of the Republic of Korea. The top office said the amendment bill also reflects the urgent need to realign the structure of government agencies. The bill also calls for greater decentralization of power or autonomy for local governments. The proposed bill stipulates that the Republic of Korea aims to become a decentralized nation, making clear its the direction regarding state governance. The official title of local governments will be changed to match their enhanced authority. They will gain stronger rights to legislate ordinances and collect taxes. The bill also articulates the "public concept of land ownership" to allow the state to impose certain restrictions or duties if necessary for the public and reasonable use of land. The top office said that articles regarding the autonomy of local authorities will be implemented immediately after the revised Constitution is promulgated, promising swift execution.

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