Fine Dust & Health

입력 2018.06.21 (15:07) 수정 2018.06.21 (16:50)

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[Anchor Lead]

A new survey shows for the first time that fine dust not only causes various illnesses but also prevents weight loss. The survey compared ten global cities while Korea suffered the largest impact from fine dust.​


This office worker in her 30s exercises on the treadmill for an hour a day. Poor air quality is keeping her from exercising outdoors.

[Soundbite] Oh Jeong-eun(Seoul Resident) : "Fine dust particles harmful to the heart and lungs will accumulate through aerobic exercise. So I would rather just exercise indoors."

Researchers at Kyung Hee University School of Medicine have surveyed people in ten metropolitan global cities who worked to lose weight for one year. The findings show that high fine dust levels in the air reduced the effects of going on a diet. Seoul had the highest fine dust density at an average of 46 micrograms. Seoul residents lost an average of 3.2 kilograms, the smallest among the surveyed cities. People living in cities with low fine dust concentration were more effective in their weight loss. Fine dust particles can enter blood vessels and cause inflammation all over the body. If body fat falls victim to such inflammation, fat metabolism will take a hit, slowing the pace of weight loss. Fine dust is increasingly viewed as the culprit behind diseases, early deaths and even weight loss.

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  • Fine Dust & Health
    • 입력 2018-06-21 15:00:38
    • 수정2018-06-21 16:50:34
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A new survey shows for the first time that fine dust not only causes various illnesses but also prevents weight loss. The survey compared ten global cities while Korea suffered the largest impact from fine dust.​


This office worker in her 30s exercises on the treadmill for an hour a day. Poor air quality is keeping her from exercising outdoors.

[Soundbite] Oh Jeong-eun(Seoul Resident) : "Fine dust particles harmful to the heart and lungs will accumulate through aerobic exercise. So I would rather just exercise indoors."

Researchers at Kyung Hee University School of Medicine have surveyed people in ten metropolitan global cities who worked to lose weight for one year. The findings show that high fine dust levels in the air reduced the effects of going on a diet. Seoul had the highest fine dust density at an average of 46 micrograms. Seoul residents lost an average of 3.2 kilograms, the smallest among the surveyed cities. People living in cities with low fine dust concentration were more effective in their weight loss. Fine dust particles can enter blood vessels and cause inflammation all over the body. If body fat falls victim to such inflammation, fat metabolism will take a hit, slowing the pace of weight loss. Fine dust is increasingly viewed as the culprit behind diseases, early deaths and even weight loss.

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