Sexual Abuse Case

입력 2018.07.05 (15:13) 수정 2018.07.05 (15:17)

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[Anchor Lead]

The police are investigating ten teenagers who allegedly assaulted a high school girl. They are suspected of dragging the victim to a mountain late at night to sexually molest her. She now says she is suffering from the severe physical and psychological abuse.


What this high school girl is currently going through is an utter nightmare. Her entire body is covered in bruises and scars.

[Soundbite]Victim's Father (Voice modified): "She refuses to tell me what happened and just keeps crying. I can't watch her suffer. It's heart-wrenching."

The victim was assaulted by a group of middle school girls who invited her to a karaoke club. They made her kneel down and assaulted her ruthlessly.

[Soundbite]Victim's Father (voice modified): "They turned on music very loud so that nobody knew they were beating her. When they were leaving the salon, they embraced her to appear as her friends."

Police have found that later in the evening the perpetrators took the girl to a mountain where they assaulted and sexually molested her for hours. The victim testified that she could not run away because she was naked and just wanted to die. The girl is suffering from severe physical and emotional pain, and even needs help when using a bathroom. She said the perpetrators do not feel remorse for their wrongdoing whatsoever.

[Soundbite]Victim's Father (voice modified): "They think they'll be released from jail soon. They say they have depression, and they are aware that minors are usually not sentenced to long prison terms."

Under the current law, minors in Korea can face criminal punishment but it can be reduced. One of the perpetrators is under 14 years of age and is exempt from criminal liability. The victim's family have filed a petition with the presidential office demanding that the Juvenile Act be amended to prevent serious juvenile crime.

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  • Sexual Abuse Case
    • 입력 2018-07-05 15:14:11
    • 수정2018-07-05 15:17:00
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The police are investigating ten teenagers who allegedly assaulted a high school girl. They are suspected of dragging the victim to a mountain late at night to sexually molest her. She now says she is suffering from the severe physical and psychological abuse.


What this high school girl is currently going through is an utter nightmare. Her entire body is covered in bruises and scars.

[Soundbite]Victim's Father (Voice modified): "She refuses to tell me what happened and just keeps crying. I can't watch her suffer. It's heart-wrenching."

The victim was assaulted by a group of middle school girls who invited her to a karaoke club. They made her kneel down and assaulted her ruthlessly.

[Soundbite]Victim's Father (voice modified): "They turned on music very loud so that nobody knew they were beating her. When they were leaving the salon, they embraced her to appear as her friends."

Police have found that later in the evening the perpetrators took the girl to a mountain where they assaulted and sexually molested her for hours. The victim testified that she could not run away because she was naked and just wanted to die. The girl is suffering from severe physical and emotional pain, and even needs help when using a bathroom. She said the perpetrators do not feel remorse for their wrongdoing whatsoever.

[Soundbite]Victim's Father (voice modified): "They think they'll be released from jail soon. They say they have depression, and they are aware that minors are usually not sentenced to long prison terms."

Under the current law, minors in Korea can face criminal punishment but it can be reduced. One of the perpetrators is under 14 years of age and is exempt from criminal liability. The victim's family have filed a petition with the presidential office demanding that the Juvenile Act be amended to prevent serious juvenile crime.

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