Call For Treaty

입력 2018.07.12 (14:58) 수정 2018.07.12 (15:04)

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[Anchor Lead]

President Moon Jae-in has said that officially ending the Korean War would serve as a milestone in establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula and talks are underway on the timing and method of signing such a peace treaty. Moon made the remarks in an interview with Singaporean media on his visit to the Southeast Asian city-state. On Thursday, the South Korean president held a summit with the Singaporean prime minister.


President Moon Jae-in said that South and North Korea and the United States are holding additional talks on the timing and method of signing a peace treaty. In an interview with the Singaporean media, President Moon, who is on a state visit to Singapore, said that ending the Korean War would serve as a milestone in establishment a permanent peace system on the Korean Peninsula. If signed, a peace treaty will serve as a political declaration of the end of the Korean War. But Pyongyang is demanding it in order to receive a security guarantee for its regime, and U.S. President Donald Trump is also aware of that.The South Korean president stressed that his goal is to sign a peace treaty within this year in line with the inter-Korean agreement reached with Pyongyang back in April. Regarding the stationing of U.S. troops in Korea, Moon said that it's a matter of the South Korea-U.S. alliance, and it has nothing to do with the denuclearization talks between Washington and Pyongyang. Moon is the first South Korean leader to make a state visit to Singapore in 15 years. On Thursday, he met with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to discuss cooperation in economic development and establishment of peace. He also shared his thoughts on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and establishment of peace in Asia.

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  • Call For Treaty
    • 입력 2018-07-12 14:58:35
    • 수정2018-07-12 15:04:31
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

President Moon Jae-in has said that officially ending the Korean War would serve as a milestone in establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula and talks are underway on the timing and method of signing such a peace treaty. Moon made the remarks in an interview with Singaporean media on his visit to the Southeast Asian city-state. On Thursday, the South Korean president held a summit with the Singaporean prime minister.


President Moon Jae-in said that South and North Korea and the United States are holding additional talks on the timing and method of signing a peace treaty. In an interview with the Singaporean media, President Moon, who is on a state visit to Singapore, said that ending the Korean War would serve as a milestone in establishment a permanent peace system on the Korean Peninsula. If signed, a peace treaty will serve as a political declaration of the end of the Korean War. But Pyongyang is demanding it in order to receive a security guarantee for its regime, and U.S. President Donald Trump is also aware of that.The South Korean president stressed that his goal is to sign a peace treaty within this year in line with the inter-Korean agreement reached with Pyongyang back in April. Regarding the stationing of U.S. troops in Korea, Moon said that it's a matter of the South Korea-U.S. alliance, and it has nothing to do with the denuclearization talks between Washington and Pyongyang. Moon is the first South Korean leader to make a state visit to Singapore in 15 years. On Thursday, he met with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to discuss cooperation in economic development and establishment of peace. He also shared his thoughts on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and establishment of peace in Asia.

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