Road Traffic Act

입력 2018.09.27 (15:15) 수정 2018.09.27 (15:19)

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[Anchor Lead]

Starting Friday, people riding in the back seats of cars must also wear seat belts. On a hilly path, a vehicle must take sliding-prevention measures or otherwise face penalties. Here are the latest changes to Korea's Road Traffic Act.


From now on, everyone on board a passenger car regardless of front or back seat, must wear a seat belt. The Transport Ministry and the police say revisions to the Road Traffic Act will take effect Friday. Violators of the mandatory seat belt rule will face fines of 30,000 won which will double in cases where a child aged 13 or younger is also in the car. Commercial vehicles such as taxis are excluded from the crackdown when passengers refuse to wear seat belts even after being told by the driver. Intra-city buses where there are no seat belts also don't apply. Also, when pulling over or parking a car on a slope, the driver must take slide-prevention measures. Such measures include orienting the direction of the tire in a way the car won't slide or putting blocks under the tire. Violators are subject to a 40,000 won fine. The revised law also obligates the driver and all passengers on a bicycle to wear protection gear. Cyclists will also be punished for alcohol consumption. People riding bikes and reporting over 0.05% in blood alcohol level will be levied a 30,000 won fine. If they refuse a breathalyzer test, the fine shoots up to 100,000 won. Clampdowns will take place at random such as near restaurants where drunk cycling is more likely suspected.People who default on their fine payments can also be turned down from having international driving permits issued.

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  • Road Traffic Act
    • 입력 2018-09-27 15:16:24
    • 수정2018-09-27 15:19:27
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Starting Friday, people riding in the back seats of cars must also wear seat belts. On a hilly path, a vehicle must take sliding-prevention measures or otherwise face penalties. Here are the latest changes to Korea's Road Traffic Act.


From now on, everyone on board a passenger car regardless of front or back seat, must wear a seat belt. The Transport Ministry and the police say revisions to the Road Traffic Act will take effect Friday. Violators of the mandatory seat belt rule will face fines of 30,000 won which will double in cases where a child aged 13 or younger is also in the car. Commercial vehicles such as taxis are excluded from the crackdown when passengers refuse to wear seat belts even after being told by the driver. Intra-city buses where there are no seat belts also don't apply. Also, when pulling over or parking a car on a slope, the driver must take slide-prevention measures. Such measures include orienting the direction of the tire in a way the car won't slide or putting blocks under the tire. Violators are subject to a 40,000 won fine. The revised law also obligates the driver and all passengers on a bicycle to wear protection gear. Cyclists will also be punished for alcohol consumption. People riding bikes and reporting over 0.05% in blood alcohol level will be levied a 30,000 won fine. If they refuse a breathalyzer test, the fine shoots up to 100,000 won. Clampdowns will take place at random such as near restaurants where drunk cycling is more likely suspected.People who default on their fine payments can also be turned down from having international driving permits issued.

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