입력 2019.06.19 (15:10) 수정 2019.06.19 (16:50)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

The Suwon tree frog, a native frog to Korea, is now an endangered species. The amphibian was first discovered in the city of Suwon almost four decades ago, but its population has declined sharply. Local governments and environmental groups have recently joined hands to preserve the rare frog. We take you to Gyeonggido Province for the details


If you look closely into the lush grass of this rice paddy in Paju, Gyeonggi-do Province, you could spot a tiny frog the size of a fingernail. It's the Suwon tree frog, which was first discovered by a Japanese scholar in Suwon in 1980. This amphibian appears similar to a regular tree frog, but it's in fact, smaller and lighter in color. Male Suwon tree frogs have a yellowish green vocal sac. This native Korean species has become endangered due to urban sprawl and climate change.

[Soundbite] NAM IN-WOO(PAJU FEDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT) : "If we don't consider such factors as rice fields, wetlands and habitats, the Suwon tree frog will disappear, and so will regular tree frogs."

The governments of Paju and Suwon cities as well as local environmental groups have joined hands to protect the Suwon tree frog. They have agreed to cooperate in restoring the frog's habitat and increasing its population. Moreover, they are pushing for a special law to preserve the species.

[Soundbite] HEO SUN-MU(PAJU CITY HALL) : "We will monitor, observe and study the habitat, and hold forums and workshops with environmental groups."

The Suwon tree frog has been long gone in the city of Suwon. Currently they can only be found in Paju and some parts of the Gangwon and Chungcheong regions. The joint efforts by administrative organs and environmental groups to restore the rare frog species will hopefully gain speed and turn out to be successful.

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    • 입력 2019-06-19 15:13:48
    • 수정2019-06-19 16:50:44
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The Suwon tree frog, a native frog to Korea, is now an endangered species. The amphibian was first discovered in the city of Suwon almost four decades ago, but its population has declined sharply. Local governments and environmental groups have recently joined hands to preserve the rare frog. We take you to Gyeonggido Province for the details


If you look closely into the lush grass of this rice paddy in Paju, Gyeonggi-do Province, you could spot a tiny frog the size of a fingernail. It's the Suwon tree frog, which was first discovered by a Japanese scholar in Suwon in 1980. This amphibian appears similar to a regular tree frog, but it's in fact, smaller and lighter in color. Male Suwon tree frogs have a yellowish green vocal sac. This native Korean species has become endangered due to urban sprawl and climate change.

[Soundbite] NAM IN-WOO(PAJU FEDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT) : "If we don't consider such factors as rice fields, wetlands and habitats, the Suwon tree frog will disappear, and so will regular tree frogs."

The governments of Paju and Suwon cities as well as local environmental groups have joined hands to protect the Suwon tree frog. They have agreed to cooperate in restoring the frog's habitat and increasing its population. Moreover, they are pushing for a special law to preserve the species.

[Soundbite] HEO SUN-MU(PAJU CITY HALL) : "We will monitor, observe and study the habitat, and hold forums and workshops with environmental groups."

The Suwon tree frog has been long gone in the city of Suwon. Currently they can only be found in Paju and some parts of the Gangwon and Chungcheong regions. The joint efforts by administrative organs and environmental groups to restore the rare frog species will hopefully gain speed and turn out to be successful.

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