입력 2019.09.18 (15:02) 수정 2019.09.18 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

The government is exerting all out effort to block the spread of African swine fever. The next 7 days are expected to be critical in quarantine efforts and authorities are set to mobilize all possible resources in the early stages.


President Moon Jae-in was briefed on the African swine fever outbreak and ordered measures to prevent the deadly disease from further spreading and contain it in the initial stage. Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon also convened an emergency meeting and ordered thorough quarantine operations based on set guidelines.

[Soundbite] LEE NAK-YON(PRIME MINISTER) : "I ask officials to swiftly determine the cause of the outbreak, block the spread and take necessary measures."

The government believes the next 7 days will be critical in containing the virus. This is because the African swine fever reportedly breaks out in large numbers between the 4th and 7th day after the virus first spreads.

[Soundbite] KIM HYEON-SOO(MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD & RURAL AFFAIRS) : "Preventing the spread is the utmost concern at the moment. We believe the coming week will be pivotal in containing the disease."

The government raised the related crisis alert to the highest level of "serious." Some 63-hundred pig farms nationwide are banned from bringing in any leftover food and pig sheds will also be sterilized. 14 cities and counties that border North Korea will also work to adjust the population of wild boars. Following the second confirmed case, the Agriculture Ministry designated six cities and counties as areas that require special oversight and quarantine management. Nothing can exit pig farms that are situated within these zones for a 3 week period, an increase from the previous one week. Pigs can only be slaughtered at designated locations. Provincial governments also set up quarantine headquarters and are working on emergency mode to monitor the situation around the clock.

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    • 입력 2019-09-18 15:00:39
    • 수정2019-09-18 16:45:37
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The government is exerting all out effort to block the spread of African swine fever. The next 7 days are expected to be critical in quarantine efforts and authorities are set to mobilize all possible resources in the early stages.


President Moon Jae-in was briefed on the African swine fever outbreak and ordered measures to prevent the deadly disease from further spreading and contain it in the initial stage. Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon also convened an emergency meeting and ordered thorough quarantine operations based on set guidelines.

[Soundbite] LEE NAK-YON(PRIME MINISTER) : "I ask officials to swiftly determine the cause of the outbreak, block the spread and take necessary measures."

The government believes the next 7 days will be critical in containing the virus. This is because the African swine fever reportedly breaks out in large numbers between the 4th and 7th day after the virus first spreads.

[Soundbite] KIM HYEON-SOO(MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD & RURAL AFFAIRS) : "Preventing the spread is the utmost concern at the moment. We believe the coming week will be pivotal in containing the disease."

The government raised the related crisis alert to the highest level of "serious." Some 63-hundred pig farms nationwide are banned from bringing in any leftover food and pig sheds will also be sterilized. 14 cities and counties that border North Korea will also work to adjust the population of wild boars. Following the second confirmed case, the Agriculture Ministry designated six cities and counties as areas that require special oversight and quarantine management. Nothing can exit pig farms that are situated within these zones for a 3 week period, an increase from the previous one week. Pigs can only be slaughtered at designated locations. Provincial governments also set up quarantine headquarters and are working on emergency mode to monitor the situation around the clock.

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