입력 2019.11.22 (15:18) 수정 2019.11.22 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

The Korea-ASEAN Commemorative Summit is to open in Busan next week. President Moon Jae-in sent an invitation to the event to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. However, Pyongyang openly turned down the invitation, citing its discontent with inter-Korean relations.


President Moon Jae-in sent a personal letter to Kim Jong-un on November 5. A fact that Cheong Wa Dae confirmed. In his reply to Kim Jong-un's letter of condolence regarding the passing of Moon's mother, the South Korean leader invited his North Korean counterpart to Busan. On Thursday, Pyongyang officially turned down the invitation. The regime said that although it appreciates the invitation, there is no legitimate reason for Kim to visit, and asked for Seoul's understanding. Pyongyang also disclosed that the South Korean government had requested several times that a special envoy be sent to Busan if Kim Jong-un couldn't come. The communist state explained, though it understands President Moon's consideration and concerns, it's not the right time for the North Korean leader to visit the South. The regime cited Seoul's North Korea policies as the reason. It expressed discontent over the South's failure to abide by the agreements reached between the leaders of the two Koreas and Seoul's reliance on Washington. The North also took issue with South Korea's negative public opinion about the communist state. It said the invitation to a multilateral event like the ASEAN-Korea Commemorative Summit is ill-intentioned. This means the North refuses to serve as a setoff. Pyongyang added that it has no intention to hold an inter-Korean summit just for show.

[Soundbite] CHUNG SUNG-JANG(SEJONG INSTITUTE) : "With nothing to expect from inter-Korean dialogue, there is no way North Korea would make a nice surprise for President Moon."

The regime demanded that Seoul overhaul its North Korea policies, as it has no other choice but to patiently wait and watch. The fact that the North expressed its refusal openly via its state news agency further underscores its dissatisfaction with the current state of inter-Korean relations. However, it refrained from using insulting remarks and maintained a respectful tone to show appreciation for President Moon's personal letter.

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    • 입력 2019-11-22 15:17:51
    • 수정2019-11-22 16:46:11
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The Korea-ASEAN Commemorative Summit is to open in Busan next week. President Moon Jae-in sent an invitation to the event to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. However, Pyongyang openly turned down the invitation, citing its discontent with inter-Korean relations.


President Moon Jae-in sent a personal letter to Kim Jong-un on November 5. A fact that Cheong Wa Dae confirmed. In his reply to Kim Jong-un's letter of condolence regarding the passing of Moon's mother, the South Korean leader invited his North Korean counterpart to Busan. On Thursday, Pyongyang officially turned down the invitation. The regime said that although it appreciates the invitation, there is no legitimate reason for Kim to visit, and asked for Seoul's understanding. Pyongyang also disclosed that the South Korean government had requested several times that a special envoy be sent to Busan if Kim Jong-un couldn't come. The communist state explained, though it understands President Moon's consideration and concerns, it's not the right time for the North Korean leader to visit the South. The regime cited Seoul's North Korea policies as the reason. It expressed discontent over the South's failure to abide by the agreements reached between the leaders of the two Koreas and Seoul's reliance on Washington. The North also took issue with South Korea's negative public opinion about the communist state. It said the invitation to a multilateral event like the ASEAN-Korea Commemorative Summit is ill-intentioned. This means the North refuses to serve as a setoff. Pyongyang added that it has no intention to hold an inter-Korean summit just for show.

[Soundbite] CHUNG SUNG-JANG(SEJONG INSTITUTE) : "With nothing to expect from inter-Korean dialogue, there is no way North Korea would make a nice surprise for President Moon."

The regime demanded that Seoul overhaul its North Korea policies, as it has no other choice but to patiently wait and watch. The fact that the North expressed its refusal openly via its state news agency further underscores its dissatisfaction with the current state of inter-Korean relations. However, it refrained from using insulting remarks and maintained a respectful tone to show appreciation for President Moon's personal letter.

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