입력 2019.12.10 (15:16) 수정 2019.12.10 (16:48)

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[Anchor Lead]

When a fire breaks out in the subway, the thick smoke makes it difficult for passengers to evacuate. A new technology has been developed that uses artificial intelligence to inform the safest evacuation route on a real time basis.


White smoke fumes out of a subway station exit. In October, fire broke out inside Maebong Station, subway line 3 in Seoul, prompting dozens of citizens to evacuate. A fire inside a subway station is particularly more dangerous as visibility gets seriously limited due to the smoke or a blackout. Swift evacuation can be challenging. The Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials developed a technology that incorporates artificial intelligence to assess the risk factors in these situations and inform people of an evacuation route in real time. A demonstration of the technology was held. Unlike existing guide lights which simply indicate the way out, the new technology informs people of the safest and nearest escape route.

[Soundbite] HAN HYEONG-SEOK(KOREA INSTITUTE OF MACHINERY & MATERIALS) : "Using AI and laser beams, the safest and nearest escape route is determined after taking into account real-time changes during the situation."

The key is around 30 AI sensors attached on the ceiling which measure the temperature, carbon monoxide level and smoke density to determine the best exit path. When the sensors pass on the collected information to the AI system at the subway station office, green exit lights from the ceiling emit laser beams to the ground to indicate the evacuation path.

[Soundbite] KIM YE-JIN(DAEJEON CITIZEN) : "I heard the briefing. So if a fire occurs, I think I can safely get out following the laser guide lights."

The institute will transfer this technology to a company for commercialization. The system is expected to help save lives during subway fires.

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    • 입력 2019-12-10 15:34:25
    • 수정2019-12-10 16:48:22
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

When a fire breaks out in the subway, the thick smoke makes it difficult for passengers to evacuate. A new technology has been developed that uses artificial intelligence to inform the safest evacuation route on a real time basis.


White smoke fumes out of a subway station exit. In October, fire broke out inside Maebong Station, subway line 3 in Seoul, prompting dozens of citizens to evacuate. A fire inside a subway station is particularly more dangerous as visibility gets seriously limited due to the smoke or a blackout. Swift evacuation can be challenging. The Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials developed a technology that incorporates artificial intelligence to assess the risk factors in these situations and inform people of an evacuation route in real time. A demonstration of the technology was held. Unlike existing guide lights which simply indicate the way out, the new technology informs people of the safest and nearest escape route.

[Soundbite] HAN HYEONG-SEOK(KOREA INSTITUTE OF MACHINERY & MATERIALS) : "Using AI and laser beams, the safest and nearest escape route is determined after taking into account real-time changes during the situation."

The key is around 30 AI sensors attached on the ceiling which measure the temperature, carbon monoxide level and smoke density to determine the best exit path. When the sensors pass on the collected information to the AI system at the subway station office, green exit lights from the ceiling emit laser beams to the ground to indicate the evacuation path.

[Soundbite] KIM YE-JIN(DAEJEON CITIZEN) : "I heard the briefing. So if a fire occurs, I think I can safely get out following the laser guide lights."

The institute will transfer this technology to a company for commercialization. The system is expected to help save lives during subway fires.

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