입력 2020.04.03 (15:15) 수정 2020.04.03 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

As a way to promote social distancing, some neighborhoods in Gyeonggi-do Province have adopted drive-thru rental services so residents can borrow books and toys with minimal contact. A city government in Gyeonggi-do Province also plans to expand a traditional market's free delivery service to the general public.


A vehicle pulls into a childcare support center's parking lot. It stops in front of a center employee. A bag of packaged toys is handed over to the driver through the window.

[Soundbite] (CENTER EMPLOYEE) : "Hello. (Thank you.) Goodbye."

The center is renting toys to parents who are staying at home with their children. A request to rent toys for young children can be made on the website in advance. A total of 172 rentals were handed out in a week. The service is offering huge relief to local parents of young children.

[Soundbite] KIM HA-NA(LOCAL PARENT) : "It's simple and easy to use. I don't have to make any contact. It's a big relief."

Libraries in the city of Hwaseong are lending books that do not require users to pick them up themselves. A library user can ask to borrow books through the library website and then pick the books up at the entrance. Osan City Hall implemented a system in which its employees can pick up merchandise from a traditional market as they leave work. A customer chooses items and the Osaek Market Merchants' Association delivers the items to the city hall before workers finish their shift.

[Soundbite] CHOI YONG-GYU(OSAEK MARKET MERCHANT) : "There are fewer customers, but the Merchants Association and City Hall are working together to provide the delivery service. They're a big help."

This service is currently provided to city hall employees only, but the Osan city government plans to extend the service to the general public shortly.

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    • 입력 2020-04-03 15:21:38
    • 수정2020-04-03 16:46:31
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

As a way to promote social distancing, some neighborhoods in Gyeonggi-do Province have adopted drive-thru rental services so residents can borrow books and toys with minimal contact. A city government in Gyeonggi-do Province also plans to expand a traditional market's free delivery service to the general public.


A vehicle pulls into a childcare support center's parking lot. It stops in front of a center employee. A bag of packaged toys is handed over to the driver through the window.

[Soundbite] (CENTER EMPLOYEE) : "Hello. (Thank you.) Goodbye."

The center is renting toys to parents who are staying at home with their children. A request to rent toys for young children can be made on the website in advance. A total of 172 rentals were handed out in a week. The service is offering huge relief to local parents of young children.

[Soundbite] KIM HA-NA(LOCAL PARENT) : "It's simple and easy to use. I don't have to make any contact. It's a big relief."

Libraries in the city of Hwaseong are lending books that do not require users to pick them up themselves. A library user can ask to borrow books through the library website and then pick the books up at the entrance. Osan City Hall implemented a system in which its employees can pick up merchandise from a traditional market as they leave work. A customer chooses items and the Osaek Market Merchants' Association delivers the items to the city hall before workers finish their shift.

[Soundbite] CHOI YONG-GYU(OSAEK MARKET MERCHANT) : "There are fewer customers, but the Merchants Association and City Hall are working together to provide the delivery service. They're a big help."

This service is currently provided to city hall employees only, but the Osan city government plans to extend the service to the general public shortly.

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