입력 2020.05.14 (15:00) 수정 2020.05.14 (16:46)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Korea has seen the largest fall in the number of newly employed people since February 1999 in the aftermath of the 1997 financial crisis. More than 470,000 fewer people were employed last month compared to the same period last year. More troubling is that the economic shock from social distancing is extending from the service industry over even to the manufacturing sector.


​A restaurant closed down, leading its workers including this man in his 30s to become unemployed.

[Soundbite] (UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT APPLICANT) : "The restaurant revenue was halved. There used to be 12 workers, but it was cut down to six, and then the restaurant closed down for good."

The story is the same for this woman who used to work at an apparels factory for decades. She said the factory continued to face mounting financial difficulties.

[Soundbite] (UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT APPLICANT) : "There used to be about 300 employees at the apparels factory, but layoff continues because there's less work."

The job market is feeling the full brunt of the COVID-19 outbreak. The number of newly employed people in the wholesale, retail, lodging and restaurant businesses already declined by over 270-thousand in March.
334-thousand more in April.

[Soundbite] EUN SUN-HYEON(STATISTICS KOREA) : "People were told to not to hold gathering, go out or travel. This is why lodging, restaurant, and educational service businesses didn't hire many people."

Construction and manufacturing industries were affected as well that month, doubling the decrease in new employees. The pandemic not only restricted consumption, but also shrunk exports. More than 1-point-4-8 million people are temporarily out of work, although they are not counted as unemployed, and over 2-point-4 million have given up looking for jobs and said they're "not working." That's the highest figure since Korea began keeping relevant records. The government plans to discuss ways to create more than 550-thousand jobs at the economic meetings slated for this week and next. Officials also vowed to formulate additional proactive measures for the manufacturing sector.

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    • 입력 2020-05-14 15:07:13
    • 수정2020-05-14 16:46:18
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Korea has seen the largest fall in the number of newly employed people since February 1999 in the aftermath of the 1997 financial crisis. More than 470,000 fewer people were employed last month compared to the same period last year. More troubling is that the economic shock from social distancing is extending from the service industry over even to the manufacturing sector.


​A restaurant closed down, leading its workers including this man in his 30s to become unemployed.

[Soundbite] (UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT APPLICANT) : "The restaurant revenue was halved. There used to be 12 workers, but it was cut down to six, and then the restaurant closed down for good."

The story is the same for this woman who used to work at an apparels factory for decades. She said the factory continued to face mounting financial difficulties.

[Soundbite] (UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT APPLICANT) : "There used to be about 300 employees at the apparels factory, but layoff continues because there's less work."

The job market is feeling the full brunt of the COVID-19 outbreak. The number of newly employed people in the wholesale, retail, lodging and restaurant businesses already declined by over 270-thousand in March.
334-thousand more in April.

[Soundbite] EUN SUN-HYEON(STATISTICS KOREA) : "People were told to not to hold gathering, go out or travel. This is why lodging, restaurant, and educational service businesses didn't hire many people."

Construction and manufacturing industries were affected as well that month, doubling the decrease in new employees. The pandemic not only restricted consumption, but also shrunk exports. More than 1-point-4-8 million people are temporarily out of work, although they are not counted as unemployed, and over 2-point-4 million have given up looking for jobs and said they're "not working." That's the highest figure since Korea began keeping relevant records. The government plans to discuss ways to create more than 550-thousand jobs at the economic meetings slated for this week and next. Officials also vowed to formulate additional proactive measures for the manufacturing sector.

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