입력 2020.06.26 (15:46) 수정 2020.06.26 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

In marking the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War, U.S. President Donald Trump placed a wreath at the Korean War Veterans Memorial and remembered their sacrifices. He reportedly conveyed his concern and interest in the recent affairs over the Korean Peninsula to the South Korean ambassador attending the ceremony.


​President Donald Trump visited the Korean War Veterans Memorial to mark the 70th anniversary of the Korean War. Along with first Lady Melania Trump, the duo laid their hands on the wreath and said a silent prayer. As the requiem played in the background, he honored the fallen heroes with a salute. The President and the First Lady also expressed their gratitude to the surviving Korean War veterans. Trump's first visit to the memorial since his inauguration was likely meant to showcase the solid Seoul-Washington alliance. In a separate statement, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said America's commitment to the defense of South Korea remains ironclad. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs David Stilwell emphasized the importance of Seoul, Washington and Tokyo's alliance in maintaining order in the region. As for the stalled nuclear negotiations with Pyongyang, Pompeo reassured that the door to denuclearization talks is still open.


Meanwhile, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Harry Harris highlighted that Washington is closely watching the regime's movements and closely working with South Korea. Amid the fall-outs from former White House National Security Adviser John Bolton's memoir, ranking government officials at the ceremony appeared to be quite earnest in stressing the Seoul-Washington alliance. South Korean Ambassador to the U.S. Lee Soo-hyuck who attended the ceremony in Washington said, President Trump expressed his interest and concern about the recent developments on the Peninsula. He added that he had received the U.S. leader's message to President Moon, but did not comment on exactly what the message was about.

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    • 입력 2020-06-26 15:45:11
    • 수정2020-06-26 16:45:23
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

In marking the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War, U.S. President Donald Trump placed a wreath at the Korean War Veterans Memorial and remembered their sacrifices. He reportedly conveyed his concern and interest in the recent affairs over the Korean Peninsula to the South Korean ambassador attending the ceremony.


​President Donald Trump visited the Korean War Veterans Memorial to mark the 70th anniversary of the Korean War. Along with first Lady Melania Trump, the duo laid their hands on the wreath and said a silent prayer. As the requiem played in the background, he honored the fallen heroes with a salute. The President and the First Lady also expressed their gratitude to the surviving Korean War veterans. Trump's first visit to the memorial since his inauguration was likely meant to showcase the solid Seoul-Washington alliance. In a separate statement, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said America's commitment to the defense of South Korea remains ironclad. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs David Stilwell emphasized the importance of Seoul, Washington and Tokyo's alliance in maintaining order in the region. As for the stalled nuclear negotiations with Pyongyang, Pompeo reassured that the door to denuclearization talks is still open.


Meanwhile, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Harry Harris highlighted that Washington is closely watching the regime's movements and closely working with South Korea. Amid the fall-outs from former White House National Security Adviser John Bolton's memoir, ranking government officials at the ceremony appeared to be quite earnest in stressing the Seoul-Washington alliance. South Korean Ambassador to the U.S. Lee Soo-hyuck who attended the ceremony in Washington said, President Trump expressed his interest and concern about the recent developments on the Peninsula. He added that he had received the U.S. leader's message to President Moon, but did not comment on exactly what the message was about.

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