입력 2020.07.28 (15:13) 수정 2020.07.28 (16:51)

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[Anchor Lead]

A unique exhibition of iron Buddha statues is now open in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do Province, offering visitors a chance to understand how the cultural relics were produced. Let's take a look.


​In a dim exhibition hall... A seated statue of Buddha comes into view. The sturdy iron figure seems to symbolize the solidity of the truth. This seated statue of Medicine Buddha is South Korea's national treasure No. 1873. The interior of the one-meter-tall iron statue weighing 270 kilograms. Mud and roof tiles are found. These bits and pieces were left after an iron cast was removed. The exhibition offers visitors unique experiences of taking a close look into the process and techniques involved in producing the statue. Three out of the five iron statues discovered in the same site are believed to be produced by one sculptor.

[Soundbite] KWON YUN-MI (CHUNCHEON NATIONAL MUSEUM): "We can now obtain scientific data on iron Buddha statues of Gangwon-do Province by taking a closer look into their production techniques."

The original form of an iron Buddha statue will be restored in 3D based on fragments, found in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do Province.

[Soundbite] KIM SANG-TAE(DIRECTOR, CHUNCHEON NATIONAL MUSEUM) : "Only a few studies were conducted on iron Buddha statues. We plan to study the full process of producing iron Buddha statues by comparing our materials and excavated discoveries."

Today, only about 40 iron Buddha statues remain in South Korea. The exhibition will run until November 1.

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    • 입력 2020-07-28 15:18:59
    • 수정2020-07-28 16:51:03
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A unique exhibition of iron Buddha statues is now open in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do Province, offering visitors a chance to understand how the cultural relics were produced. Let's take a look.


​In a dim exhibition hall... A seated statue of Buddha comes into view. The sturdy iron figure seems to symbolize the solidity of the truth. This seated statue of Medicine Buddha is South Korea's national treasure No. 1873. The interior of the one-meter-tall iron statue weighing 270 kilograms. Mud and roof tiles are found. These bits and pieces were left after an iron cast was removed. The exhibition offers visitors unique experiences of taking a close look into the process and techniques involved in producing the statue. Three out of the five iron statues discovered in the same site are believed to be produced by one sculptor.

[Soundbite] KWON YUN-MI (CHUNCHEON NATIONAL MUSEUM): "We can now obtain scientific data on iron Buddha statues of Gangwon-do Province by taking a closer look into their production techniques."

The original form of an iron Buddha statue will be restored in 3D based on fragments, found in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do Province.

[Soundbite] KIM SANG-TAE(DIRECTOR, CHUNCHEON NATIONAL MUSEUM) : "Only a few studies were conducted on iron Buddha statues. We plan to study the full process of producing iron Buddha statues by comparing our materials and excavated discoveries."

Today, only about 40 iron Buddha statues remain in South Korea. The exhibition will run until November 1.

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