입력 2020.09.29 (16:18) 수정 2020.09.29 (17:00)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Main opposition People Power Party floor leader Joo Ho-young has criticized the government decision to sternly deal with people who take part in so-called drive-through rallies on October 3rd National Foundation Day. Joo said the government announcement to arrest rally participants on the spot and have their drivers license revoked is too excessive. He said they are measures even difficult to witness in an autocratic country and blasted the government move as "COVID-19 politics."
According to Statistics Korea data, industrial output across all sectors with the exception of agriculture, forestry and fisheries decreased 0.9% in the month of August compared to the previous month. This marks the first drop in 3 months which the agency says is due to the resurgence of COVID-19 in the capital area. Retail and wholesale, arts and culture, accommodation and the restaurant sector are particularly hit hard by Level 2 social distancing rules. As a result, industrial production in the services sector recorded the first drop in five months.

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    • 입력 2020-09-29 16:18:35
    • 수정2020-09-29 17:00:12
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Main opposition People Power Party floor leader Joo Ho-young has criticized the government decision to sternly deal with people who take part in so-called drive-through rallies on October 3rd National Foundation Day. Joo said the government announcement to arrest rally participants on the spot and have their drivers license revoked is too excessive. He said they are measures even difficult to witness in an autocratic country and blasted the government move as "COVID-19 politics."
According to Statistics Korea data, industrial output across all sectors with the exception of agriculture, forestry and fisheries decreased 0.9% in the month of August compared to the previous month. This marks the first drop in 3 months which the agency says is due to the resurgence of COVID-19 in the capital area. Retail and wholesale, arts and culture, accommodation and the restaurant sector are particularly hit hard by Level 2 social distancing rules. As a result, industrial production in the services sector recorded the first drop in five months.

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