입력 2020.11.18 (15:33) 수정 2020.11.18 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

A 4th century Silla dynasty tomb site discovered in Gyeongju has unveiled a high-end gilt bronze belt ornament believed to be imported from China.
The find is considered valuable evidence that sheds light on Silla kingdom's national power at the time and its overseas exchanges.


Jjoksaem area in Gyeongju city. Well known for its blue skies and clear springs. Excavation work has been taking place since 2007. Various relics buried over a thousand years are uncovered. Last year, excavation began in Jjoksaem's L district on one particular wooden coffin tomb which is a burial style of the 3rd to 4th century, where the coffin is laid inside a wooden chamber. It likely belongs to a high ranking Silla official as there are main and auxiliary chamber sites.

[Soundbite] JEONG DAE-HONG(CURATOR, GYEONGJU NAT'L RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE) : "The auxiliary chamber is built to contain more burial goods."

The main chamber is 8.5 meters long, the largest of all wooden coffin tombs discovered to date. Only splinters of relics remain at tombs that were robbed in the past. But during this summer's restoration work, a top quality gilt bronze belt ornament was found. It's believed to be imported from China some 1,700 years ago. A similar shaped Chinese belt decoration was also discovered from a tomb complex in Gimhae. As this is the first time such an item is discovered in Gyeongju, its drawing keen interest from scholars.

[Soundbite] LEE JONG-HOON(DIRECTOR, GNRICH) : "The find is a testament to mid-4th century Silla's national power and its exchanges with countries like China."

The Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage will continue to conduct research on Silla's ancient tomb complex as there's still a whole lot of mystery to it.

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    • 입력 2020-11-18 15:33:58
    • 수정2020-11-18 16:46:23
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A 4th century Silla dynasty tomb site discovered in Gyeongju has unveiled a high-end gilt bronze belt ornament believed to be imported from China.
The find is considered valuable evidence that sheds light on Silla kingdom's national power at the time and its overseas exchanges.


Jjoksaem area in Gyeongju city. Well known for its blue skies and clear springs. Excavation work has been taking place since 2007. Various relics buried over a thousand years are uncovered. Last year, excavation began in Jjoksaem's L district on one particular wooden coffin tomb which is a burial style of the 3rd to 4th century, where the coffin is laid inside a wooden chamber. It likely belongs to a high ranking Silla official as there are main and auxiliary chamber sites.

[Soundbite] JEONG DAE-HONG(CURATOR, GYEONGJU NAT'L RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE) : "The auxiliary chamber is built to contain more burial goods."

The main chamber is 8.5 meters long, the largest of all wooden coffin tombs discovered to date. Only splinters of relics remain at tombs that were robbed in the past. But during this summer's restoration work, a top quality gilt bronze belt ornament was found. It's believed to be imported from China some 1,700 years ago. A similar shaped Chinese belt decoration was also discovered from a tomb complex in Gimhae. As this is the first time such an item is discovered in Gyeongju, its drawing keen interest from scholars.

[Soundbite] LEE JONG-HOON(DIRECTOR, GNRICH) : "The find is a testament to mid-4th century Silla's national power and its exchanges with countries like China."

The Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage will continue to conduct research on Silla's ancient tomb complex as there's still a whole lot of mystery to it.

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