입력 2021.01.05 (15:00) 수정 2021.01.05 (16:46)

읽어주기 기능은 크롬기반의
브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

The year 2021 is the year of the white cow, according to the Chinese zodiac. South Korea has continued efforts to boost the decreasing number of white cows for ten years. Recently, five albino calves were born, further raising hopes for restoring the endangered species.


This albino calf is about a month old. Its fur and even eyebrows are white. Records from the Joseon Dynasty show that white cows are a variant species of the yellow cattle native to Korea. However, white, striped and black cows gradually disappeared after the yellow breed was designated as a standard species during Japan’s colonial rule. South Korea launched a white cow restoration project in 2009. The project has increased the number of white cattle using one bull and two cows selected in Jeongeup and Daejeon.

[Soundbite] GOH EUNG-KYU(NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ANIMAL SCIENCE) : "Through reproduction engineering technologies, like embryo transfer and artificial fertilization, the number of white cows has increased to 25. They are being raised at the animal genetic resources research center."

There were only three white cows across the nation in the early 2000s. But the number has jumped to 25 with five calves born last November. Researchers plan to produce more through embryo transfer and artificial fertilization. They will then conduct various experiments to find the species’ genetic features.

[Soundbite] KIM SEONG-WOO(ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES RESEARCH CENTER) : "The white breed adds diversity to the Korean native cattle. As one of basic animal groups for bioengineering projects, it will also be used as a research subject."

The white cow, which is on the verge of extinction, is registered as a Korean native breed with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Korea has obtained a valuable genetic resource through the restoration project.

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    • 입력 2021-01-05 15:00:01
    • 수정2021-01-05 16:46:03
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The year 2021 is the year of the white cow, according to the Chinese zodiac. South Korea has continued efforts to boost the decreasing number of white cows for ten years. Recently, five albino calves were born, further raising hopes for restoring the endangered species.


This albino calf is about a month old. Its fur and even eyebrows are white. Records from the Joseon Dynasty show that white cows are a variant species of the yellow cattle native to Korea. However, white, striped and black cows gradually disappeared after the yellow breed was designated as a standard species during Japan’s colonial rule. South Korea launched a white cow restoration project in 2009. The project has increased the number of white cattle using one bull and two cows selected in Jeongeup and Daejeon.

[Soundbite] GOH EUNG-KYU(NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ANIMAL SCIENCE) : "Through reproduction engineering technologies, like embryo transfer and artificial fertilization, the number of white cows has increased to 25. They are being raised at the animal genetic resources research center."

There were only three white cows across the nation in the early 2000s. But the number has jumped to 25 with five calves born last November. Researchers plan to produce more through embryo transfer and artificial fertilization. They will then conduct various experiments to find the species’ genetic features.

[Soundbite] KIM SEONG-WOO(ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES RESEARCH CENTER) : "The white breed adds diversity to the Korean native cattle. As one of basic animal groups for bioengineering projects, it will also be used as a research subject."

The white cow, which is on the verge of extinction, is registered as a Korean native breed with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Korea has obtained a valuable genetic resource through the restoration project.

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