입력 2021.05.12 (15:33) 수정 2021.05.12 (16:55)

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[Anchor Lead]

Following government plans to build a hydrogen economy, various related facilities are popping up nationwide. The city of Asan in particular, which has been named a pilot city for hydrogen projects, is expected to use self-produced hydrogen at homes and workplaces and for vehicles from next year.


The first charging station for hydrogen-fueled cars to open in Ansan, Gyeonggido Province. Drivers are lining up to fill their carsup. As many as 70 cars can be recharged per day.

[Soundbite] Park In-suk(Ansan, Gyeonggi-do Prov.) : "I was interested in eco-friendly vehicles and it’s wonderful that a charging station has opened close by."

Ansan, along with Ulsan, Jeonju and Wanju, have been designated pilot cities for hydrogen initiatives. Fifteen such charging stations will open in Asan by 2030. The key to the pilot program is building infrastructure to produce and supply hydrogen locally by next year. Just like gas pipes in the city, hydrogen can also be provided this way to homes, industrial complexes and charging stations around the clock.

[Soundbite] Yoon Wha-sub(Ansan Mayor) : "Supply through piping can enable safe delivery to a large number of citizens."

In a renewable energy special zone on Ansan’s Daebudo Island, hydrogen is produced through solar and wind power and surplus energy generated from the tidal power plant on Sihwaho Lake. Meanwhile at Pyeongtaek Port in Gyeonggido Province, a hydrogen production facility and a comprehensive transportation hub will open by 2023. Also, Incheon, which has the infrastructure to deliver natural gas through pipelines, will use that byproduct to produce 30,000 tons of liquid hydrogen each year in 2 years time. It’s a record amount even globally.

[Soundbite] Jeon Hae-cheol(Interior Minister) : "A Hydrogen Act was passed and took effect from February and all government agencies are now working to realize the completion of a hydrogen economy."

The designation of hydrogen special districts nationwide is spurring the swift arrival of a hydrogen-based economy. It's expected to overcome the drawbacks of renewable energy such as unstable supply.

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    • 입력 2021-05-12 15:33:56
    • 수정2021-05-12 16:55:10
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Following government plans to build a hydrogen economy, various related facilities are popping up nationwide. The city of Asan in particular, which has been named a pilot city for hydrogen projects, is expected to use self-produced hydrogen at homes and workplaces and for vehicles from next year.


The first charging station for hydrogen-fueled cars to open in Ansan, Gyeonggido Province. Drivers are lining up to fill their carsup. As many as 70 cars can be recharged per day.

[Soundbite] Park In-suk(Ansan, Gyeonggi-do Prov.) : "I was interested in eco-friendly vehicles and it’s wonderful that a charging station has opened close by."

Ansan, along with Ulsan, Jeonju and Wanju, have been designated pilot cities for hydrogen initiatives. Fifteen such charging stations will open in Asan by 2030. The key to the pilot program is building infrastructure to produce and supply hydrogen locally by next year. Just like gas pipes in the city, hydrogen can also be provided this way to homes, industrial complexes and charging stations around the clock.

[Soundbite] Yoon Wha-sub(Ansan Mayor) : "Supply through piping can enable safe delivery to a large number of citizens."

In a renewable energy special zone on Ansan’s Daebudo Island, hydrogen is produced through solar and wind power and surplus energy generated from the tidal power plant on Sihwaho Lake. Meanwhile at Pyeongtaek Port in Gyeonggido Province, a hydrogen production facility and a comprehensive transportation hub will open by 2023. Also, Incheon, which has the infrastructure to deliver natural gas through pipelines, will use that byproduct to produce 30,000 tons of liquid hydrogen each year in 2 years time. It’s a record amount even globally.

[Soundbite] Jeon Hae-cheol(Interior Minister) : "A Hydrogen Act was passed and took effect from February and all government agencies are now working to realize the completion of a hydrogen economy."

The designation of hydrogen special districts nationwide is spurring the swift arrival of a hydrogen-based economy. It's expected to overcome the drawbacks of renewable energy such as unstable supply.

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