입력 2021.06.15 (15:31) 수정 2021.06.15 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

During a visit to Austria, President Moon Jae-in said South Korea will actively cooperate to supply North Korea with COVID-19 vaccines if Pyongyang agrees. Seoul and Vienna, meanwhile, have agreed to upgrade their ties to a strategic partnership during talks between Moon and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.


Following a summit with his Austrian counterpart Alexander Van der Bellen, President Moon Jae-in said in a joint press conference that South Korea will work to supply North Korea with COVID-19 vaccines. Moon stressed Seoul can become a global vaccine hub and contribute to ending the pandemic. He also noted the world can be free from the pandemic when vaccines are equally distributed to poorer countries. The president said the North will be among vaccine cooperation partners, highlighting his willingness to provide Covid-19 vaccines to the regime.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "If South Korea plays a role as a global vaccine hub, North Korea, of course, will be among cooperation partners. If Pyongyang agrees, I will actively push for vaccine supplies to the nation."

Moon added that the U.S. is actively supporting humanitarian assistance and support to North Korea. The leaders of South Korea and Austria, meanwhile, agreed to build a future-oriented partnership between their countries.

[Soundbite] Alexander Van der Bellen(Austrian President) : "Austria and South Korea have been good partners in the international community.We will remain good partners in the future."

Moon then met with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. The two leaders agreed to upgrade their countries' ties to a strategic partnership. South Korea is the second country after Switzerland--and the first Asian nation--with which Austria will forge a strategic partnership. The two also agreed to boost bilateral cooperation in various areas including economy, science and technology, and culture. Moon is the first South Korean president to visit Austria since the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1892.

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    • 입력 2021-06-15 15:31:02
    • 수정2021-06-15 16:46:17
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

During a visit to Austria, President Moon Jae-in said South Korea will actively cooperate to supply North Korea with COVID-19 vaccines if Pyongyang agrees. Seoul and Vienna, meanwhile, have agreed to upgrade their ties to a strategic partnership during talks between Moon and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.


Following a summit with his Austrian counterpart Alexander Van der Bellen, President Moon Jae-in said in a joint press conference that South Korea will work to supply North Korea with COVID-19 vaccines. Moon stressed Seoul can become a global vaccine hub and contribute to ending the pandemic. He also noted the world can be free from the pandemic when vaccines are equally distributed to poorer countries. The president said the North will be among vaccine cooperation partners, highlighting his willingness to provide Covid-19 vaccines to the regime.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "If South Korea plays a role as a global vaccine hub, North Korea, of course, will be among cooperation partners. If Pyongyang agrees, I will actively push for vaccine supplies to the nation."

Moon added that the U.S. is actively supporting humanitarian assistance and support to North Korea. The leaders of South Korea and Austria, meanwhile, agreed to build a future-oriented partnership between their countries.

[Soundbite] Alexander Van der Bellen(Austrian President) : "Austria and South Korea have been good partners in the international community.We will remain good partners in the future."

Moon then met with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. The two leaders agreed to upgrade their countries' ties to a strategic partnership. South Korea is the second country after Switzerland--and the first Asian nation--with which Austria will forge a strategic partnership. The two also agreed to boost bilateral cooperation in various areas including economy, science and technology, and culture. Moon is the first South Korean president to visit Austria since the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1892.

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