입력 2021.06.30 (15:30) 수정 2021.06.30 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

The clock is counting down to next year’s presidential election. Former Prosecutor-General Yoon Seok-youl, a leading presidential hopeful from the wider opposition camp, has officially announced his bid 117 days after stepping down as top prosecutor. In a speech, he strongly criticized the current administration’s incompetence and mentioned the transition of power several times.


Former Prosecutor-General Yoon Seok-youl has made his presidential bid official, underlining values of justice and common sense.

[Soundbite] Yoon Seok-youl(Ex-Prosecutor-General) : "I pledge to rebuild free democracy, the rule of law and the value of justice which reverberates through eras and generations."

In most of his statement declaring his bid, he targeted the Moon administration. Yoon made clear his identity as an opposition candidate. He criticized the current administration for privatizing authority and failing in the rule of law.

[Soundbite] Yoon Seok-youl(Ex-Prosecutor-General) : "We must stop corrupt and incompetent forces from plundering the people by extending their power. We must achieve a power transition."

The announcement comes 117 days after he stepped down as top prosecutor. He has raised concerns over the potential damage to the prosecution’s political neutrality. But he said the practice of people like him not running for elected office is not an absolute rule and it’s up to the public to lay judgment. Regarding the so-called "X-File", Yoon said such allegations must have grounds and be verified and checked.

[Soundbite] Yoon Seok-youl(Ex-Prosecutor-General) : "Such verification must be based on reasonable grounds and facts."

He also agreed with demands for the pardons of two jailed former presidents. He responded to questions on economic and diplomatic issues for 50 minutes but most of his answers were along the lines of stressing basic principles. Some 20 lawmakers from the main opposition People Power Party and hundreds of Yoon’s supporters were present at the declaration event.

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    • 입력 2021-06-30 15:30:15
    • 수정2021-06-30 16:46:20
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The clock is counting down to next year’s presidential election. Former Prosecutor-General Yoon Seok-youl, a leading presidential hopeful from the wider opposition camp, has officially announced his bid 117 days after stepping down as top prosecutor. In a speech, he strongly criticized the current administration’s incompetence and mentioned the transition of power several times.


Former Prosecutor-General Yoon Seok-youl has made his presidential bid official, underlining values of justice and common sense.

[Soundbite] Yoon Seok-youl(Ex-Prosecutor-General) : "I pledge to rebuild free democracy, the rule of law and the value of justice which reverberates through eras and generations."

In most of his statement declaring his bid, he targeted the Moon administration. Yoon made clear his identity as an opposition candidate. He criticized the current administration for privatizing authority and failing in the rule of law.

[Soundbite] Yoon Seok-youl(Ex-Prosecutor-General) : "We must stop corrupt and incompetent forces from plundering the people by extending their power. We must achieve a power transition."

The announcement comes 117 days after he stepped down as top prosecutor. He has raised concerns over the potential damage to the prosecution’s political neutrality. But he said the practice of people like him not running for elected office is not an absolute rule and it’s up to the public to lay judgment. Regarding the so-called "X-File", Yoon said such allegations must have grounds and be verified and checked.

[Soundbite] Yoon Seok-youl(Ex-Prosecutor-General) : "Such verification must be based on reasonable grounds and facts."

He also agreed with demands for the pardons of two jailed former presidents. He responded to questions on economic and diplomatic issues for 50 minutes but most of his answers were along the lines of stressing basic principles. Some 20 lawmakers from the main opposition People Power Party and hundreds of Yoon’s supporters were present at the declaration event.

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