입력 2021.07.15 (15:25) 수정 2021.07.15 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

Democratic Party’s presidential hopeful Lee Jae-myung is going on an offensive to widen a gap between him and his rivals. The other presidential candidates from the ruling party are targeting their attacks at Lee Nak-yon, whose approval ratings are going up lately.


Democratic Party presidential contender Lee Jae-myung has decided to forgo his placid attitude and launch an offensive against his rivals. His target is Lee Nak-yon. Lee demands the former PM provide an explanation of past issues involving him such as the Optimus fund scandal and a fake list of party members.

[Soundbite] Lee Jae-myung(Democratic Party presidential hopeful(Jul. 14, CBS Radio)) : "He should speak for himself. How can he attack me for doing nothing wrong?"

The Gyeonggi governor blasted Lee Nak-yon for distorting his remarks about the nation’s southeastern region, thus triggering a conflict between the southeastern and southwestern regions. He also said the mere fact that Lee Nak-yon served as a prime minister and provincial governor does not mean he’s competent enough. A person from Lee Jae-myung’s camp said this is the least he can do to prevent attacks from rivals and go back to being himself. The other presidential hopefuls from the ruling bloc are also stepping up attacks against Lee Nak-yon, whose approval ratings are rising lately. Some called him “a party chair who talks big with zero achievements,” others criticized him as “a candidate who is fed up with the public” and has failed in real estate policies. Lee Nak-yon says responding to such remarks is simply worthless.

[Soundbite] Lee Nak-yon(Democratic Party presidential hopeful) : "They are not as patient as I thought. They are doing this just because my approval ratings are going up."

He is calling for separating verification from criticism. Meanwhile, Lee Jae-myung said he's willing to accept the postponement of the Democratic Party primaries, which will likely take place no sooner than 2-3 weeks from now.

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    • 입력 2021-07-15 15:25:07
    • 수정2021-07-15 16:45:02
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Democratic Party’s presidential hopeful Lee Jae-myung is going on an offensive to widen a gap between him and his rivals. The other presidential candidates from the ruling party are targeting their attacks at Lee Nak-yon, whose approval ratings are going up lately.


Democratic Party presidential contender Lee Jae-myung has decided to forgo his placid attitude and launch an offensive against his rivals. His target is Lee Nak-yon. Lee demands the former PM provide an explanation of past issues involving him such as the Optimus fund scandal and a fake list of party members.

[Soundbite] Lee Jae-myung(Democratic Party presidential hopeful(Jul. 14, CBS Radio)) : "He should speak for himself. How can he attack me for doing nothing wrong?"

The Gyeonggi governor blasted Lee Nak-yon for distorting his remarks about the nation’s southeastern region, thus triggering a conflict between the southeastern and southwestern regions. He also said the mere fact that Lee Nak-yon served as a prime minister and provincial governor does not mean he’s competent enough. A person from Lee Jae-myung’s camp said this is the least he can do to prevent attacks from rivals and go back to being himself. The other presidential hopefuls from the ruling bloc are also stepping up attacks against Lee Nak-yon, whose approval ratings are rising lately. Some called him “a party chair who talks big with zero achievements,” others criticized him as “a candidate who is fed up with the public” and has failed in real estate policies. Lee Nak-yon says responding to such remarks is simply worthless.

[Soundbite] Lee Nak-yon(Democratic Party presidential hopeful) : "They are not as patient as I thought. They are doing this just because my approval ratings are going up."

He is calling for separating verification from criticism. Meanwhile, Lee Jae-myung said he's willing to accept the postponement of the Democratic Party primaries, which will likely take place no sooner than 2-3 weeks from now.

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