입력 2021.12.15 (15:12) 수정 2021.12.15 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

DP presidential nominee Lee Jae-myung is urging the government to immediately tighten up COVID-19 restrictions because the situation in the country is critical. He's also calling for compensating small businesses and the self-employed in advance for the losses they might sustain due to restrictions. Meanwhile Lee resumed his official activities today as he tested negative after coming into contact with an infected person.


DP presidential nominee Lee Jae-myung, who cancelled all his official events to get tested for COVID-19, made an emergency statement. He's calling for enforcing emergency measures and pausing the gradual return to normalcy because containing the outbreak is more urgent at this point.

[Soundbite] Park Chan-dae(DP Election Committee Spokesperson(READS STATEMENT SCRIPT)) : "I request the National Assembly and the government to enact measures to provide compensation for business losses in advance. First, I urge the government to raise restrictions immediately."

Lee stresses that small businesses and the self-employed should be compensated in advance for the losses they might sustain due to elevated restrictions. He is calling for discussions of a supplementary budget to earmark compensation funds and revising laws to expand eligibility for compensation to businesses that must abide by restrictions on private gatherings. The ruling party presidential nominee is urging the government to take full responsibility for adverse effects from COVID-19 vaccines and provide compensation to alleviate public concerns about side effects from immunization. Lee's proposition comes amid the escalating public anxiety and discontent as the government contemplates quarantine measures. It's also intended to show voters that he is different.

[Soundbite] Lee Jae-myung(DP Presidential Candidate(Dec. 11)) : "What has the state given to the people during this difficult fight against COVID-19? It didn't even provide protective masks or disinfectants."

Lee has tested negative for COVID-19 after coming into contact with an infected person during his trip to Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. He has resumed his official events. On Wednesday afternoon he is scheduled to visit Boramae Medical Center in Seoul to encourage health workers and discuss their difficulties.

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    • 입력 2021-12-15 15:12:45
    • 수정2021-12-15 16:46:14
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

DP presidential nominee Lee Jae-myung is urging the government to immediately tighten up COVID-19 restrictions because the situation in the country is critical. He's also calling for compensating small businesses and the self-employed in advance for the losses they might sustain due to restrictions. Meanwhile Lee resumed his official activities today as he tested negative after coming into contact with an infected person.


DP presidential nominee Lee Jae-myung, who cancelled all his official events to get tested for COVID-19, made an emergency statement. He's calling for enforcing emergency measures and pausing the gradual return to normalcy because containing the outbreak is more urgent at this point.

[Soundbite] Park Chan-dae(DP Election Committee Spokesperson(READS STATEMENT SCRIPT)) : "I request the National Assembly and the government to enact measures to provide compensation for business losses in advance. First, I urge the government to raise restrictions immediately."

Lee stresses that small businesses and the self-employed should be compensated in advance for the losses they might sustain due to elevated restrictions. He is calling for discussions of a supplementary budget to earmark compensation funds and revising laws to expand eligibility for compensation to businesses that must abide by restrictions on private gatherings. The ruling party presidential nominee is urging the government to take full responsibility for adverse effects from COVID-19 vaccines and provide compensation to alleviate public concerns about side effects from immunization. Lee's proposition comes amid the escalating public anxiety and discontent as the government contemplates quarantine measures. It's also intended to show voters that he is different.

[Soundbite] Lee Jae-myung(DP Presidential Candidate(Dec. 11)) : "What has the state given to the people during this difficult fight against COVID-19? It didn't even provide protective masks or disinfectants."

Lee has tested negative for COVID-19 after coming into contact with an infected person during his trip to Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. He has resumed his official events. On Wednesday afternoon he is scheduled to visit Boramae Medical Center in Seoul to encourage health workers and discuss their difficulties.

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