입력 2022.05.26 (15:20) 수정 2022.05.26 (16:46)

읽어주기 기능은 크롬기반의
브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

North Korea fired ballistic missiles on Wed. shortly after President Biden wrapped up his tour of South Korea and Japan. The three fired missiles are ICBMs and short-range ballistic missiles targeting the U.S. mainland, South Korea and Japan.


All three North Korean missiles were fired from Sunan Airport in Pyongyang. The first launch took place at 6 a.m. The projectile flew 360 km at an altitude of 540 km and fell into the East Sea. The flight distance indicates it was a short-range ballistic missile, but the South Korean military presumes it was the Hwasong-17, a new type of an ICBM targeting the entire U.S. territory. Chances are only its first-stage propellant was burned for testing. The missile's specifications are similar to those launched back in Feb. and March as part of what the North claimed was a recon satellite test. Pyongyang could make the same claim this time as well.

[Soundbite] Shin Jong-woo(Korea Defense Security Forum) : "It was likely a test of the first-stage engine, as only the first-stage propellant was burned. N. Korea claims its ICBM tests are satellite tests."

The second missile vanished 20 km in midair, presumably ending in failure. However the third missile launched five minutes later flew 760 km at an altitude of up to 60 km. Both were the KN-23 short-range ballistic missiles, a North Korean version of the Iskander. They can strike the entire South Korean territory and parts of Japan. Pyongyang is believed to have tried to upgrade capabilities to load nuclear warheads. It's the first time the regime fired an ICBM along with other missiles on the same day. The goal was apparently to threaten South Korea, Japan and the U.S. simultaneously for strengthening their alliances during President Biden's Asia tour. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff is monitoring the possibility of additional provocations and staying on high alert.

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    • 입력 2022-05-26 15:20:58
    • 수정2022-05-26 16:46:11
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

North Korea fired ballistic missiles on Wed. shortly after President Biden wrapped up his tour of South Korea and Japan. The three fired missiles are ICBMs and short-range ballistic missiles targeting the U.S. mainland, South Korea and Japan.


All three North Korean missiles were fired from Sunan Airport in Pyongyang. The first launch took place at 6 a.m. The projectile flew 360 km at an altitude of 540 km and fell into the East Sea. The flight distance indicates it was a short-range ballistic missile, but the South Korean military presumes it was the Hwasong-17, a new type of an ICBM targeting the entire U.S. territory. Chances are only its first-stage propellant was burned for testing. The missile's specifications are similar to those launched back in Feb. and March as part of what the North claimed was a recon satellite test. Pyongyang could make the same claim this time as well.

[Soundbite] Shin Jong-woo(Korea Defense Security Forum) : "It was likely a test of the first-stage engine, as only the first-stage propellant was burned. N. Korea claims its ICBM tests are satellite tests."

The second missile vanished 20 km in midair, presumably ending in failure. However the third missile launched five minutes later flew 760 km at an altitude of up to 60 km. Both were the KN-23 short-range ballistic missiles, a North Korean version of the Iskander. They can strike the entire South Korean territory and parts of Japan. Pyongyang is believed to have tried to upgrade capabilities to load nuclear warheads. It's the first time the regime fired an ICBM along with other missiles on the same day. The goal was apparently to threaten South Korea, Japan and the U.S. simultaneously for strengthening their alliances during President Biden's Asia tour. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff is monitoring the possibility of additional provocations and staying on high alert.

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