입력 2022.06.10 (15:04) 수정 2022.06.10 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

COVID-19 cases are declining steadily in Korea. Now that the situation has stabilized, discussions are underway of whether to lift a seven-day quarantine for the infected.


The nation reported 12,161 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday. The number has declined by more than a thousand from the previous day but compared to the previous week, it rose by more than 2,200. The country also reported 106 serious cases and 18 deaths. While the daily virus tally keeps fluctuating, the overall decline remains steady. KDCA chief Peck Kyong-ran says the decision on whether to provide a fourth vaccine dose to the public will depend on further developments in the outbreak and vaccine efficacy. Regarding the seven-day quarantine for the infected, Peck added authorities are weighing its impact on the outbreak and financial cost before deciding if it should be lifted.

[Soundbite] Peck Kyong-ran(Chief of KDCA) : "If the mandatory quarantine is lifted, there will be more cases. We need a consensus on how well our society can handle a surge in cases."

A taskforce of experts is discussing various opinions on quarantine guidelines, with some saying the seven-day quarantine should be either curtailed or applied only to those from high-risk groups. Authorities will announce the decision next Friday. If new guidelines are established, they will take effect from June 20.

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    • 입력 2022-06-10 15:04:01
    • 수정2022-06-10 16:45:24
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

COVID-19 cases are declining steadily in Korea. Now that the situation has stabilized, discussions are underway of whether to lift a seven-day quarantine for the infected.


The nation reported 12,161 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday. The number has declined by more than a thousand from the previous day but compared to the previous week, it rose by more than 2,200. The country also reported 106 serious cases and 18 deaths. While the daily virus tally keeps fluctuating, the overall decline remains steady. KDCA chief Peck Kyong-ran says the decision on whether to provide a fourth vaccine dose to the public will depend on further developments in the outbreak and vaccine efficacy. Regarding the seven-day quarantine for the infected, Peck added authorities are weighing its impact on the outbreak and financial cost before deciding if it should be lifted.

[Soundbite] Peck Kyong-ran(Chief of KDCA) : "If the mandatory quarantine is lifted, there will be more cases. We need a consensus on how well our society can handle a surge in cases."

A taskforce of experts is discussing various opinions on quarantine guidelines, with some saying the seven-day quarantine should be either curtailed or applied only to those from high-risk groups. Authorities will announce the decision next Friday. If new guidelines are established, they will take effect from June 20.

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