입력 2022.07.27 (15:20) 수정 2022.07.27 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

The justice ministry has vowed to restore the prosecution's investigative powers, which were drastically reduced under the previous government. The ministry is set to beef up the prosecution's right to directly investigate cases and also bring back some of its authority transferred to the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials.


In his first policy briefing to President Yoon Suk-yeol, Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon stressed the restoration of the prosecution's investigative powers reduced under the previous administration. Han said that as a large portion of investigative rights were taken away, it's not possible for prosecutors to deal with economy and corruption-related crimes.

[Soundbite] Han Dong-hoon(Minister of Justice) : "The ministry faces the urgent task of coping with the state's reduced capacity in responding to crimes of corruption."

The ministry will launch a special joint team, which would be the third of its kind, to take charge of investigations into tax evasion and illegal stashing of properties. It will also install a unit dedicated to retrieving criminal proceeds. The ministry will also expand the intel management office at the Supreme Prosecutors Office, which was scaled down under the previous administration. The plan to strengthen the intel office is seen as a measure to beef up capabilities on responding to crime. The justice ministry also suggested that a provision of the CIO Act which allows the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials to prioritize certain cases over others should be abolished.

[Soundbite] Han Dong-hoon(Minister of Justice) : "The provision in question, over its yearlong implementation, has weakened crime-response capabilities due to delays and emotional disputes."

Other plans mentioned in the briefing include setting up a bureau in charge of immigration policies that are currently dispersed across the labor and family ministries. Regarding the plan to lower the age limit on juvenile prosecution, the minister vowed to push for the plan with caution in view of public sentiment. Han said legal revisions are underway to have electronic anklets attached to those who commit stalking crimes. President Yoon expressed hopes that the top priority in judicial administration would be economic revival.

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    • 입력 2022-07-27 15:20:25
    • 수정2022-07-27 16:45:14
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The justice ministry has vowed to restore the prosecution's investigative powers, which were drastically reduced under the previous government. The ministry is set to beef up the prosecution's right to directly investigate cases and also bring back some of its authority transferred to the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials.


In his first policy briefing to President Yoon Suk-yeol, Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon stressed the restoration of the prosecution's investigative powers reduced under the previous administration. Han said that as a large portion of investigative rights were taken away, it's not possible for prosecutors to deal with economy and corruption-related crimes.

[Soundbite] Han Dong-hoon(Minister of Justice) : "The ministry faces the urgent task of coping with the state's reduced capacity in responding to crimes of corruption."

The ministry will launch a special joint team, which would be the third of its kind, to take charge of investigations into tax evasion and illegal stashing of properties. It will also install a unit dedicated to retrieving criminal proceeds. The ministry will also expand the intel management office at the Supreme Prosecutors Office, which was scaled down under the previous administration. The plan to strengthen the intel office is seen as a measure to beef up capabilities on responding to crime. The justice ministry also suggested that a provision of the CIO Act which allows the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials to prioritize certain cases over others should be abolished.

[Soundbite] Han Dong-hoon(Minister of Justice) : "The provision in question, over its yearlong implementation, has weakened crime-response capabilities due to delays and emotional disputes."

Other plans mentioned in the briefing include setting up a bureau in charge of immigration policies that are currently dispersed across the labor and family ministries. Regarding the plan to lower the age limit on juvenile prosecution, the minister vowed to push for the plan with caution in view of public sentiment. Han said legal revisions are underway to have electronic anklets attached to those who commit stalking crimes. President Yoon expressed hopes that the top priority in judicial administration would be economic revival.

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