입력 2022.08.08 (15:10) 수정 2022.08.08 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

Lee Jae-myung secured landslide victories in Democratic Party's regional voting to elect the new leadership. Lee won 70.48 percent and 75.40 percent of the votes in Jeju and Incheon on Sunday. The runner-up Park Yong-jin garnered 22.49 percent and 20.70 percent, respectively. After delivering a speech in Incheon, Lee said he was not 100 percent optimistic about his final victory, since there are more rounds of voting and public surveys to go through. Park asked party members to cast ballots in the voting in order to achieve a surprising result in the national convention and eventually bring new changes to the party.

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    • 입력 2022-08-08 15:10:40
    • 수정2022-08-08 16:45:03
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Lee Jae-myung secured landslide victories in Democratic Party's regional voting to elect the new leadership. Lee won 70.48 percent and 75.40 percent of the votes in Jeju and Incheon on Sunday. The runner-up Park Yong-jin garnered 22.49 percent and 20.70 percent, respectively. After delivering a speech in Incheon, Lee said he was not 100 percent optimistic about his final victory, since there are more rounds of voting and public surveys to go through. Park asked party members to cast ballots in the voting in order to achieve a surprising result in the national convention and eventually bring new changes to the party.

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