입력 2022.10.12 (15:15) 수정 2022.10.12 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

More and more Russian nationals are coming to Korea by yacht following the announcement of partial mobilization in Russia on Sept. 21. Most of them have been denied entry to Korea due to "unclear reasons" of their stay.


Monday, Sadong Port in Ulleung-gun County, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province A yacht carrying foreign nationals roams the waters off the port. When approached, they ask for some drinking water. They are handed water and a conversation is started. When asked where they are from, they say they are from Russia.

[Soundbite] "(How many people in your boat?) Five."

This six-ton yacht was detected by the Coast Guard on Oct. 1 in waters about 13km east of Ayajin in Goseong, Gangwon-do Province. On board were five Russian men in their 20s to 40s. No automatic identification system notifying in real time of the vessel's location, route and speed was detected. This is a report drawn by the Sokcho Coast Guard. It reads, "The yacht departed from Vladivostok, Russia on Sept. 27 and headed to South Korea. It attempted to enter Sokcho Port on Sept. 30 but was denied entry." The Coast Guard provided the Russians with three-days' worth of food and 100 liters of water and fuel, respectively. That's what they would need to go back to the port of departure. The yacht did depart on October 5, but returned to Sadong Port due to bad weather. Immigration authorities say the purpose of the men's entry to Korea was unclear. Authorities took into account the fact that they attempted to enter Korea after a mobilization order was announced in Russia. Their arrival was notified to the military, police and some 20 other relevant agencies. Patrol and surveillance were stepped up to prepare for the men's illegal docking.

[Soundbite] (Donghae Coast Guard official (VOICE MODIFIED)) : "We kept an eye on them to prevent from docking. We blocked from approaching the pier and had them anchor somewhere away from traffic at the center of the port."

The yacht departed from Sadong Port on Tuesday after constant surveillance by the Coast Guard. The men told the Coast Guard they were heading back to Vladivostok, but they could travel somewhere else.

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    • 입력 2022-10-12 15:15:47
    • 수정2022-10-12 16:45:35
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

More and more Russian nationals are coming to Korea by yacht following the announcement of partial mobilization in Russia on Sept. 21. Most of them have been denied entry to Korea due to "unclear reasons" of their stay.


Monday, Sadong Port in Ulleung-gun County, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province A yacht carrying foreign nationals roams the waters off the port. When approached, they ask for some drinking water. They are handed water and a conversation is started. When asked where they are from, they say they are from Russia.

[Soundbite] "(How many people in your boat?) Five."

This six-ton yacht was detected by the Coast Guard on Oct. 1 in waters about 13km east of Ayajin in Goseong, Gangwon-do Province. On board were five Russian men in their 20s to 40s. No automatic identification system notifying in real time of the vessel's location, route and speed was detected. This is a report drawn by the Sokcho Coast Guard. It reads, "The yacht departed from Vladivostok, Russia on Sept. 27 and headed to South Korea. It attempted to enter Sokcho Port on Sept. 30 but was denied entry." The Coast Guard provided the Russians with three-days' worth of food and 100 liters of water and fuel, respectively. That's what they would need to go back to the port of departure. The yacht did depart on October 5, but returned to Sadong Port due to bad weather. Immigration authorities say the purpose of the men's entry to Korea was unclear. Authorities took into account the fact that they attempted to enter Korea after a mobilization order was announced in Russia. Their arrival was notified to the military, police and some 20 other relevant agencies. Patrol and surveillance were stepped up to prepare for the men's illegal docking.

[Soundbite] (Donghae Coast Guard official (VOICE MODIFIED)) : "We kept an eye on them to prevent from docking. We blocked from approaching the pier and had them anchor somewhere away from traffic at the center of the port."

The yacht departed from Sadong Port on Tuesday after constant surveillance by the Coast Guard. The men told the Coast Guard they were heading back to Vladivostok, but they could travel somewhere else.

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