입력 2022.10.26 (15:07) 수정 2022.10.26 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

At the center of the ongoing political conflict is the investigation into campaign fund allegations involving Democratic Party chairman Lee Jae-myung. Regardless of the political turmoil, the prosecution is ramping up its probe into allegations that Lee's confidant Kim Yong received illegal campaign funds. Kim, deputy chief of the think tank Institute for Democracy, was also questioned on Tuesday following his earlier arrest. Three key figures in the Daejang-dong development scandal Kim Man-bae, Nam Wook and Yoo Dong-gyu were also summoned for questioning.


Prosecutors have called in the so-called three masterminds of the Daejang-dong project at the same time. They are lawyer Nam Wook, major shareholder of asset management firm Hwacheon Daeyu Kim Man-bae who remains behind bars, and former acting president of Seongnam Development Corporation Yoo Dong-gyu who was released from prison last week. They were grilled over the nature of the money that was allegedly passed on to Kim Yong, who strongly denies the allegation. From Nam and Yoo, prosecutors reaffirmed the process of how some 800 million won in illegal funds were amassed and delivered. Kim was also reportedly asked about whether he knew about the delivered money and if so, whether the payment was a quid pro quo for the lucrative profits gained from the Daejang-dong project. Testifying in court Monday, Yoo mentioned opposition leader Lee Jae-myung as the person who had the final say in the project. Some predict prosecutors may seek to apply a dereliction of duty charge against Lee. Lee's close aide, Kim Yong, has been questioned by prosecutors for the third day since his arrest. Kim can be probed under arrest until November 7 at the latest. Until that time, prosecutors will likely focus on finding out where the money Kim allegedly received from lawyer Nam Wook and others was used and if Lee Jae-myung was involved in any way. Meanwhile Kim refuted allegations concerning his wealth increase raised by Yoo Dong-gyu who said that Kim, a city councilor with a monthly wage of 3 million won, was able to move to Seoul's Yeouido district. Kim said he bought a house with his savings and credit loans without cash payment, and the money was withdrawn from his wife's bank account.

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    • 입력 2022-10-26 15:07:01
    • 수정2022-10-26 16:45:09
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

At the center of the ongoing political conflict is the investigation into campaign fund allegations involving Democratic Party chairman Lee Jae-myung. Regardless of the political turmoil, the prosecution is ramping up its probe into allegations that Lee's confidant Kim Yong received illegal campaign funds. Kim, deputy chief of the think tank Institute for Democracy, was also questioned on Tuesday following his earlier arrest. Three key figures in the Daejang-dong development scandal Kim Man-bae, Nam Wook and Yoo Dong-gyu were also summoned for questioning.


Prosecutors have called in the so-called three masterminds of the Daejang-dong project at the same time. They are lawyer Nam Wook, major shareholder of asset management firm Hwacheon Daeyu Kim Man-bae who remains behind bars, and former acting president of Seongnam Development Corporation Yoo Dong-gyu who was released from prison last week. They were grilled over the nature of the money that was allegedly passed on to Kim Yong, who strongly denies the allegation. From Nam and Yoo, prosecutors reaffirmed the process of how some 800 million won in illegal funds were amassed and delivered. Kim was also reportedly asked about whether he knew about the delivered money and if so, whether the payment was a quid pro quo for the lucrative profits gained from the Daejang-dong project. Testifying in court Monday, Yoo mentioned opposition leader Lee Jae-myung as the person who had the final say in the project. Some predict prosecutors may seek to apply a dereliction of duty charge against Lee. Lee's close aide, Kim Yong, has been questioned by prosecutors for the third day since his arrest. Kim can be probed under arrest until November 7 at the latest. Until that time, prosecutors will likely focus on finding out where the money Kim allegedly received from lawyer Nam Wook and others was used and if Lee Jae-myung was involved in any way. Meanwhile Kim refuted allegations concerning his wealth increase raised by Yoo Dong-gyu who said that Kim, a city councilor with a monthly wage of 3 million won, was able to move to Seoul's Yeouido district. Kim said he bought a house with his savings and credit loans without cash payment, and the money was withdrawn from his wife's bank account.

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